Yamato/Sela (Zyuohger): If It's A Sad Destiny


"Even if it's a sad destiny, I can't let you go..." ~From the Korean song "Because It's You" by SNSD's Tiffany


Looking back, Sela couldn't seem to think of a reason why she was still doing a lot of reminiscing even though those events were already over. A lot of things had changed for all of them.

But most especially, the way she felt towards a certain someone had slowly changed. And now that change had fully occupied her heart long before she could even realize it.

She had to admit, she was surprised with that realization. And yet even though it gave her such a surprise, she didn't seem to mind that it was indeed changing her, as well.

"Sela-chan, we're heading out to the town. 'Want to come with us?" Amu asked with that excited look on her face.

The idea was appealing. But not to Sela at the moment. She shook her head soon after as her reply and smiled. "I think I'll stay behind for now."

Her reply was simple, and the others somehow accepted it, thinking that the shark Zyuman was just tired or wanted to be alone. But Yamato had a different feeling about that.

Well, on one part, Sela did want to be alone. But that was because she had to think things through at the moment. Even from her position, however, she could tell that her friends were worried about her if she had to base it from the conversation that ensued as soon as the others left. Being gifted with a sharp sense of hearing does that.

"Sela was definitely acting weird these days, huh?" Leo commented as the rest of them started to walk away.

"That's true. It seems that something was bothering her," Tusk soon replied.

Amu nodded and looked back to the house where they knew Sela was. As for the said shark Zyuman, she hid herself as soon as she saw Amu about to look back. She didn't want her friend to know that she was listening.

From what she could remember, the group was supposed to meet up with Misao in town. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't heard Yamato saying something at all.

Now that was weird.

Sela decided to look outside once again in order to see if her guess was right. But disappointment filled her when she saw that her friends had already left.

"It's probably just my imagination..." she whispered and started walking away from the window. Anyway, why would she be disappointed? She already decided that she would stay behind to do a lot more thinking than usual.

Though this was really unlike her, it was something that she had to do. A heavy sigh escaped her lips before turning around. But her eyes widened at the sight of Yamato entering the house.

Wait, why didn't she even hear him enter? Was she really that preoccupied to not even notice his presence at all?

"Yamato? I thought you were with the others." This was getting a little crazy, in her opinion.

Why was it that when she decided to be all alone for just one day, this guy would always seem to ruin it for her? Well, she was aware that Yamato could be a worrywart sometimes. But still...

"I can't exactly leave you here all alone, you know. Even though you asked for it..." Yamato scratched the back of his head soon after that only made her frown.

Was he starting to scold himself just now?

"I'm not sick, if you're thinking of that. I just..." Should she say it?

Probably not.

This was Yamato she was talking about. This was the real reason why she wanted to be alone and think things through. But this guy won't even give her the alone time she needed the most.

Not only mentally speaking, but also emotionally...

"We're friends, aren't we?" Yamato said that broke the silence between them.

Those words only made Sela face him, ignoring the sudden pang in her heart upon hearing the word "friend". In her guess, she won't like whatever it was that Yamato would say to her.

Then again, she probably needed to hear it since it woukd be a little hard walking in the dark with all the turmoils happening both in her mind and in her heart. Even if reality would truly hurt her, she had to accept it.

"You don't have to keep everything to yourself. We're here, you know? I'm here," Yamato continued as he took a few steps towards her.

But for some reason, she took a few steps back because of that. Wait a minute! What was going on with her? Why was she doing this?

"I-I'm sorry. I really need to be alone right now," she reasoned before finally leaving the house and headed outside to breathe some fresh air this time.

When she managed to go a little far from the area, that was when Sela exhaled a little deeply. Though she wasn't sure if she had done that to relieve herself or to remind her of her predicament, she wasn't sure. She could only smack her forehead as she reprimand herself for getting all affected like that just because of Yamato.

But at the moment, a thought struck her and slowly, she looked back to the house where she knew Yamato was. Did she really see it right? It was something she noticed when she took a few steps back as he was supposed to approach her.

Did she really see the hurt in his eyes?

Sela could only groan in frustration. Now things had gotten even more complicated and confusing to her than ever. But her situation wasn't something that could easily be fixed. At least she was aware of that.

And yet deep inside her, she wanted him to know it, to notice it. She wanted him to realize the growing feeling inside her... for Yamato. Whatever the result, even if it would bring her immense pain...

"But I think it won't happen anytime soon. Right, Yamato?" she uttered bitterly.

For now, she would hold it in her. Until the right time comes that she could tell Yamato everything with regards to her feelings, she would keep it all inside.

She would never let it go.

At least, at that point, she was sure of it.


I can't believe I managed to write these many one-shots. I'm really happy. But I still have a long way to go. I hope you liked it. It would be much appreciated if you could express your thoughts about this by leaving your comments below.

Thank you for reading. Till the next story!

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