Naga/Hammie (Kyuranger): What I Believed That Day


"I will never regret what I believed that day. The day of the parting is just another promise of the destiny..." ~From the song "It's Too Late" from Weiss Kreuz


Naga tried his best not to show any of his worries to his friends and Kyuranger comrades as his welcome back party was going on. Of course, as expected, Spada went all out with his preparations for the food just for that.

But no matter how hard he tried, his focus would always shift right back to a certain someone that he knew he truly owe a great deal of apology. Even though Hammie said that it was okay and that she still welcomed him despite what he did, his mind couldn't really stay still.

At one point, he excused himself for a while from the others, using the excuse that he had to go to the restroom. The others didn't mind. But one person noticed something weird about it.

That person was Hammie, who soon decided to excuse herself as well, but using the reason that she forgot something in the kitchen. After leaving the bridge, she swiftly but quietly walked towards a certain place where she knew Naga would probably be at the moment. For some reason, she knew perfectly well that Naga couldn't sit still whike the others were having fun. Something was truly bothering him.

A few moments later, she finally reached the area where---as she guessed right---she knew Naga was instead of the restroom. The said silver-haired man was staring at the Voyagers docked inside of Orion's hatch from a room with glass windows. She found that a little weird, though.

When Hammie followed the direction of Naga's gaze, her heart skipped a beat when she realized that he was looking at the Chameleon Voyager. But why?

At that point, she decided to let her presence be known to him. "Naga, what are you doing here?"

Naga getting startled at that didn't escape Hammie's gaze, though. Because of that, she couldn't prevent her worries creeping up to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, a little cautiously this time.

Naga nodded and smiled that usual smile he would show to the team. But even from there, she could tell that something felt off about it. That was when she knew that something was really bothering him.

"You're still worried about what happened to you." It was a statement on her part that she should point out.

Well, she was known to be a quite blunt person, even without her realizing it. And yet it was something that Naga had to admit that he really missed about her.

Also one thing that he... liked about Hammie.

With that thought, he left the spot where he was standing at a while back and approached Hammie. This time, she was the one who got startled because of his actions. He stopped just a few feet away in front of her and just... looked at her intently.

As for Hammie, Naga's action had seriously thrown her off-guard for some reason. Not to mention, her heart was reacting a little intense this time. She tried to wait as patiently as she could to whatever Naga was trying to do now that he was standing in front of her.

But to her surprise, he bowed deeply before speaking. "I'm truly sorry for everything, Hammie."

"Eh?! W-what are you talking about?"

"I gave you too much trouble because of what happened to me. You only cared for me when you said those words and yet, I let my desire to gain emotions get the best of me. I allowed Akyanba to take advantage of it."

Hammie was speechless, without a doubt. But even if he did all this, all she could feel at the moment towards Naga's apology was nothing but relief and understanding. She couldn't help smiling at that.

"I thought I already told you that it's alright. I guess I also said too much at the time without realizing the consequences of what I said to you. I couldn't work properly at the time, you know. But in the end, I knew that I had to be strong and resolute if I wanted to fix everything. If I could make you hear me and everyone and let it reach your heart, then it's for the best." The smile on her face widened as she faced him properly. "I'm just glad right now that you're really back here with us."

Before she could even stop herself, she approached Naga and embraced him tightly, as if trying to convince herself that this was real.

That he was real.

Of course, it surprised Naga. But only for a few moments. Soon after, he ended up returning the gesture.

For now, it was enough.

Indeed, he had returned. The times that they parted might have been quite an ordeal to Hammie and the rest. But Naga believed that it also brought them closer together, not just as a team or even as friends.

But it could also be pointed out that the ordeal they had with Akyanba had only proved their importance to each other. It was something that he now fully realized.

Honestly speaking, he was glad that he knew that now.

"Thank you, Hammie," he uttered and remained embracing her like that for a few more moments.

From the looks of it, none of them seemed to mind.


Okay. So there you go. My third Naga/Hammie one-shot and it's not an AU this time. I finally managed to do it.

This didn't turn out romantic as I was envisioning it in my mind before writing it, but I think it's still something for me. Probably because this wasn't my Kyuranger OTP at all. I guess I can't do anything about that, huh?

Thanks for reading again!

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