Daigo/Amy (Kyoryuger) AU: To Reach This Point


We've come a long way for us to reach this point, so giving it all up like that isn't supposed to be an option... ~ Florence Joyce


Not one of them could blame anyone for this matter.

Not the world, and not even each other.

The only thing they could say was... fate was never on their side at all. What they had at the moment was doomed to disappear from the start.

And yet they chose to ignore that, just because they felt that it wasn't right at all. That it wasn't fair, wherever they looked at it.

Daigo was breathing in a quite ragged manner as he was watching his comrade Amy fighting off a bunch of monsters in front of them. He was crouching on one knee as his left hand was supporting his weight and his right hand covered his now bleeding left side.

Damn it! How could he have failed to notice that attack?

Despite done in a fit of rage, it appeared that Amy was able to finish off the group before they could even do something to attack Daigo once again and completely finish him off. But as time continued to pass by, his sight was starting to blur.

Great... Why does a single wound was starting to make me weak like this?

Daigo looked at his injured side. He couldn't help chuckling bitterly. It was indeed just a single wound. But from what he could see at the moment, that single wound would be enough to end him there and then.

Not yet... Please...

He could only plead silently. The wound he had was slowly draining his strength. But he was trying to fight it off. Amy still needed him. He must not go down at the moment or everything would fall from there.

"Amy..." Daigo could only utter as he continued to watch her fighting.

She was dealing with the monster with last after blast of her Brave. The Brave coming from Amy was quite unstable, indicating that the caster's emotional stability as it was fired wasn't good. And in his perception, it was something dangerous.

"Don't do this anymore... Amy..." Daigo called out but his words now came out as a whisper.

Now that didn't sound good at all. Once more, he looked at the wound on side. His wound was bleeding profusely, the flow seemed to have sped up before he realized it.

He could only curse as he tightened his hold on his wound. When he looked up to check on Amy, it seemed that their enemies didn't want them to leave the place alive. He was breathing raggedly and his sight was starting to blur.

This isn't good at all... Apparently, those words only resonated in his mind as he continued to watch the situation, now struggling to do so.

With Amy still fending off the annoying pests, Daigo was only thinking of one thing for this to end... for now. At least, he needed to do this for both him and Amy.

Concentrating whatever remained of his body's Brave on his bloodied right arm, Daigo focused as he closed his eyes. Moments later, his palm where his Bravegathered started crackling as it steadily grew. It didn't take long for it to achieve the size of a basketball.

"Don't do it, Daigo!" Amy shouted in desperation but it fell on deaf ears as he continued to concentrate. The only thing that mattered to him was to do something to help Amy.

His eyes snapped open before hurling the crackling energy ball on his palm to the group of monsters as he screamed. Almost at the same time, he saw Amy evaded the incoming attack before firing her own Brave ball towards the group. Daigo's energy ball soon burst and fired a barrage of energy shots that almost immediately wiped out the group of monsters that they were dealing with.

One ragged, heavy sigh came out of Daigo's lips before collapsing to the ground. Almost immediately, Amy rushed to his side and cradled him on her arms.

"You idiot! Why in the world did you do that? After I told you not to..." she criticized, followed by her tears starting to fall. "You know what will happen to you now that you've done that attack."

"I know... That's why I did it... since I know it saved you in the end..."

Amy's tears fell faster after hearing those words. How could this guy even think of her safety more than his own when he was the one who was terribly hurt because of all this? "You still shouldn't have done that, idiot!"

Seriously... She could still really call him like that even in this situation? Daigo couldn't help smiling bitterly at that. But that immediately faded when he suddenly coughed out blood, further making Amy worry for him.

"Just hold on, okay? The others will come to help us. You'll be fine."

But Daigo knew too well. That colossal amount of energy that he released from his body since the start of that battle had only made his body completely collapse like that. And that final attack he did...

"It's okay, Amy..." he still managed to say despite being uttered in a whisper. Damn it! He was getting weak faster than he thought.

"It's not! It's not going to be okay if you'll..." But she was having a hard time uttering the words that she wanted to say to him. "Please... Just hold on, okay?"

Daigo chose not to say anything anymore. Anymore than what he had said would only force Amy to become in denial of the reality that he knew he was going to face now that it came to this. His breathing was steady, but slowly becoming weak.

Subconsciously, he looked to the sky.

It's better like this... I guess...

It was a good thing that Daigo only thought of that and chose not to utter it in front of the distraught Amy. Should he really say that he was quite aware it would come to this?

His breathing turned shallow. Closing his eyes now and let it all drift away would end it all, right? But up to that moment, even though he knew it would come to this, why was he feeling this much hurt in his heart?

And yet... Despite all that truth, the two of them fell in love. Hard. True.

So now, were they being punished just because of that?

Daigo had a lot of questions in his mind as he blankly watched Amy crying and pleading at the same time for him to remain hold on. But he could only smile sadly at the sight.

Now... he was aware of a certain fact that he just realized.

Maybe we weren't meant to love each other in this world. So now that I know it would come to this, maybe fate would grant us a world where we will definitely fall in love once again. And this time, we will last. We'll be together without restrictions.

So until it was time for her to go, perhaps he would continue wishing for such a world to happen. Right now...

...it was his time to finally let go.

Any more resistance could only hurt them both--too much.

I'm sorry... Amy.


It's the first time writing a Daigo/Amy fanfic and yet, I made it like this. Sorry. In any case, enjoy reading!

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