Stinger/Hammie (Kyuranger): That Time Will Surely Come


"The two of us will be together again. That time will surely come..." ~From the Filipino song "Maghihintay (Will Wait)" by Gabbi Garcia and Christian Bautista


Waiting was something that Hammie wasn't sure if she could do for a long time. There always seemed to be a certain duration when it comes to her waiting time that would frustrate her sometimes.

In any case, it wasn't something she was quite fond of whatever she does. And yet she couldn't understsnd the reason why she was able to do it because of a certain someone.

Looking at the view of the space from the Orion's bridge was enough to calm Hammie for a while. It was something that had been helping her when she really needed to sleep but couldn't think of something to calm herself down. Of course, everyone needed it. But in her case, it was something she was deprived of.

Ian/Yayoi (Kyoryuger): To Be By Your Side

I decided to be by your side all the way and nothing would ever change my mind about that... ~ Florence Joyce


Failure would usually come after a series of successes. But this only happens if one would actually allow it to conquer. Well, people couldn't really predict when would failure come.

In Yayoi's case, the failure that she wasn't able to overcome was about her unsaid feelings to her admired Kiryu Daigo. But then, if she had to calculate it, it was already there---the outcome, that is.

From the start, she knew she was bound to lose.

Naga/Hammie (Kyuranger) AU: Exist In This Moment


This fic is an AU, set in the "Operation: Cloudbreak" universe. It's actually an upcoming story.

"I do not want a "forever", "tomorrow", "later"... I exist in this moment; that's enough..." ~From the Chinese song "Fire Of The Heart" by Julia Peng ft. F.I.R.

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It was that habit again.

Naga had been noticing something about Hammie ever since they were introduced to each other as comrades and one of the recruited agents meant to become what Commander Shou Ronpou called as "Cloudbreakers". He was just traveling, trying to find out the truth about the war 80 years ago that killed his father.

And yet, here he was--watching a young woman zone out once in a while.

Yamato/Sela (Zyuohger): It'll Still Be You


"If I would live again, it will still be you whom I'm gonna love this true..." ~From the Filipino song "Kung Hindi Ikaw (If It's Not You)" by James Wright


Sela tried her best not to cry hard at the sight of the unconscious Yamato. But the real issue as to why she was fighting back her tears was the fact that Yamato ended up like that because of her.

He wasn't just unconscious, he was also seriously injured because he blocked that one powerful attack about to hit her while fighting the Deathgalien. They didn't expect that, though. They really thought that, now that they defeated Genis, they wouldn't have to deal with anymore Deathgalien.

But they were wrong. They've made a wrong assumption on that part and look where it got them now.

Stinger/Hammie (Kyuranger): Know My Longing Heart


"If you know my longing heart, please come back to me..." ~From the Korean song "Will Be Back" by Lim Sun Hye

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He should've noticed that one attack. He should've seen it earlier so he could shield her from it. But all he could think of right now was those things he should've done to save her.

It was too late.

He couldn't do it.

He didn't do it.

Chiaki/Kotoha (Shinkenger): In Every Step


 "In every step of the way, I'm gonna dedicate my heart to you..." ~From the English song "Now That I Found You" by Michael Bolton


Chiaki could only watch Kotoha while she played her flute that one night. He couldn't sleep for some reason so he decided to get up for a while and perhaps, talking a walk around the mansion could help him. But to his surprise, he saw Kotoha by the garden staring at the moon for a while before she decided to play her flute.

And all the while, the only thing he did was to watch her do those things. Something must have been bothering her. At least on that part, he was sure of it. But what could be bothering her that made her get up from her bed and stay outside the mansion?

Though he wanted to approach her, he couldn't find himself doing so for some reason.

Naga/Hammie (Kyuranger) AU: Times Like This


"Times like this, I always close my eyes and there you are, smiling..." ~From the Japanese song "Dearest" by Hamasaki Ayumi


It's raining even though it's summer. But for Hammie, she doesn't consider that weird. In fact, she already expects it. The sky was already showing signs that it was about to rain since that morning. Even still, she continue practicing her spikings so that she'll be ready for the volleyball tournament that the team will participate into by next week.

She's really wet and the ground is starting to become slippery but she still continues practicing. She can't stop now or she'll never be able to perfect it. Not that she actually cares about perfection, though. But things haven't been on her favor lately, especially when she's busy thinking of something else as the practice went on hours earlier.

When Hammie can finally feel her muscles aching, that's when she decides to stop. The rain keeps pouring in torrent and each drop hits her skin like bullets. It hurts, she admits that. The same way she's hurt by the fact that someone's making her do all this effort to do her best so that he'll somehow notice her.

But that's like asking for the impossible, right?

Spada/Raptor (Kyuranger): It Won't Last


"Even if I have to hide my tears with a smile, it won't last that long..." ~From the Korean song "I Can Live" by Kim Yeon Jun


This wasn't normal at all. At least, Spada would like to think of it that way. Things had been a little rough for the entire team lately, especially with Naga being brainwashed and captured like that.

He had to pull himself together, at least he had to do so for everyone. Especially for Hammie who seemed to keep beating herself up and blaming herself as well for what happened. No one was at fault.

But could he really make himself believe that after all that had happened?

Lucky/Hammie (Kyuranger): Why Did It Cross?


"Why did our paths cross if we will be separated?" ~From the Filipino song "Maghihintay (Will Wait)" by Gabbi Garcia and Christian Bautista


I was never given a chance to prove it to her. I never got the chance to tell her the truth. To be honest, it was downright frustrating that I want to pull my hair out because of it. But doing so wouldn't change anything...

Doing so would only make me feel worse...

Doing so won't bring her back to me...

Two nights ago, the girl I loved so much said goodbye. I wanted to stop her from leaving me alone but I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything to her.

No words came out of my mouth.

And worse, I didn't have the power to stop her from leaving me... from leaving this world...

Sousuke/Saki (Go-Onger) AU: My Heart's Searing Pain


"Your memories are haunting me. So why don't you just make this searing pain in my heart fade away?" ~From the Filipino song "Gisingin Ang Puso (Awaken My Heart)" by Liezel Garcia

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The library is the only place where Saki feels she's safe. It is weird. But it seems that standing there, roaming inside, reading some books will actually help her remember something important. She lifts her left hand and looks at her wrist. The scar from that time has already disappeared. But the reason why she got that scar in the first place doesn't even want to leave her mind.

"Sosuke..." Saki utters that name for who knows how many times that day. Of course, she will utter it. It's the name of her lover.

But that's a long time ago. It's been three years after the battle that took Sosuke's life. It's been that long since he used the last of his strength to erase her memories so that she will live without those painful burden in her mind. And yet, it seems that it's the exact case why she's still remembering everything. Sosuke's strength wasn't enough to do that. So now he left her as she lives in those memories.

Or maybe he did succeed. At least on one thing.

Stinger/Hammie (Kyuranger) AU: Has Become The End


"I've only lost a little, tiny bit... yet it has become the end for you and me..." ~From the Taiwanese song "Just Lose It (Hurts So Much)/We've Only Lost A Little" by Pets Tseng

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It was the spring of her 21st year of living. But that year really hits her hard. Or should she say, really hits her quite hard. That beautiful spring season that's suppose to start the year right becomes a reminder of the dreadful days she have to face without him.

Despite the worry starting to clam up to her, Hammie can only glance at her watch as she waits. There's nothing she can do but to wait for him. If she leaves the place without even seeing him, it will be like breaking a promise she made.

But she has reasons to worry, after all. She can't help it. Her boyfriend Stinger is acting weird since last night. He was still the warm person she always know but a part of his actions tells her that something is wrong. Only he chose not to tell her for some reason.

Yamato/Sela (Zyuohger) AU: Let's Never Say Goodbye


"When we meet again someday, let's never say goodbye..." ~From the Korean song "Wind" by Jung Seung Hwan

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There was a particular story in that hospital that many people still remembered until now. In fact, almost all people who would hear that story would become interested about it. These days, many people would say that "Forever doesn't exist". But this story had proved its legacy to those who heard it. It still proved that nothing last forever, of course.

Even so, it only proved that there's still a kind of love that exists even beyond the forces that govern one's life. The story happened about ten years ago. But up to this day, it would still have an impact to those who would hear it. This was the story of two patients of Room 2984 of the hospital's east wing.

A love story that once belonged to Yamato and Sela.

Lucky/Hammie (Kyuranger): Obstructing Us To Love


"Everything is already good, only destiny remains to obstruct us for you and me to love each other..." ~From the Thai song "Love That Can Never Become True" by Bird Thongchai and Araya Hargate

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The solitary atmosphere of the park where Hammie was currently at should be helping her calm down and think properly. But that wasn't the case here. She was underneath a big tree where she decided to stay after that argument she had with Lucky a while back.

She sighed upon remembering that. But soon after, sighing didn't help her anymore. She cried hard before she knew it. That argument wasn't supposed to happen right after their battle with a Daikan of that area. But one discussion led to another and all of a sudden, she found herself already in a heated argument with Lucky that made her said something quite shocking to everyone who heard it.

Kinji/Fuuka (Ninninger): Searching For Smiles


"Why is it that I'm only searching for smiles so much more now as compared to the past?" ~From the Japanese song "Wagamama (Selfish)" by AAA's Nissy

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It was night time and Kinji smiled at the sight of the stars starting to glimmer in the night sky. It has been months since he left the Igasaki dojo after their battle with Kibaoni Gengetsu. He set off on his own journey to become what he proclaimed as the Last Worldwide Ninja.

But those months that passed, he noticed something quite unusual in himself. Once in a while, especially when he doesn't have any customers or when he was alone, he would look at several pictures he saved on his StarBurger over the past year that he stayed with the Igasakis. His expression would soften at the sight of the pictures with 'her' in it.

Why was that?

Spada/Raptor (Kyuranger): The Two Of Us


"In that corner, the two of us remain standing without knowing the right answer..." ~From the Japanese song "Miss You" by AAA

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Though Raptor knew she would never miss a day that she would write on her daydream diary, she couldn't help noticing that something was going on with her these past few days. Could she amount this to another of her malfunctioning moments? She didn't know what to think.

It appeared that even androids like her would have this kind of moments.

Yamato/Amu (Zyuohger): Can't Even Say It

"It is sorrowful that we can't even say 'I love you'..." ~From the Chinese-Korean song "Endless Love" by Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Sun

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"Why do you have to influence my decision to meet him? Besides, he's not that bad of a person," Amu reasoned as calmly as she could.

"That's not the issue here, Amu. I know that guy, okay? And he will only do you no good, that's why I'm saying this to you!"

Amu shook her head and turned around. "You're not going to make me stop going there."
