Sousuke/Saki (Go-onger): Irreplaceable Memory


From among those innocent days which are so irreplaceable, one memory floods out... — Kimi No Zutto, YuYu


"You're pouting again."

"And you got a problem with that?" Okay. Maybe it was a bad idea for Saki to answer like that as she was sulking.

Then again, she couldn't help it. That jerk didn't come to their appointed date — again. How many times has this happened already?

Yes, she knew that Sousuke remained busy with his car racing career ever since their duties as Go-ongers began dwindling a little. But at least that guy should consider other priorities at hand.

One was supposed to be about making sure his girlfriend — a.k.a Ryouyama Saki — was taken care of.

However, at the moment, Saki didn't feel that way. And it was annoying her.

Thus, the pouting that both Ren and Hanto noticed and Gunpei commented on.

"Should I call him?" Hanto asked.

But Saki shook her head and sighed. "Maybe I'll do it once he gets back. He's probably busy enough that he ended up forgetting me again."

"I should really strangle that guy once I see him," Gunpei said, his fists clenching.

Saki only smiled and shook her head. "There's no need for you to do that. Strangling him wouldn't be enough to ease my anger on that guy."

As brutal and appealing as it sounded, she had no plans on resorting to violence just to get her point across. It was then that she realized something.

'Could it be my fault that... he didn't realize it, either?' However, the only way for her to know the answer to that was to actually ask the person himself.

Question was, would he even arrive that day to see her at all?


In the end, Saki decided to be left alone while thinking of what to do to that talk that she was planning to do with Sousuke. That darn guy hadn't arrived yet even when she called him several times. But perhaps she could work this to her advantage in the meantime as she thought things through.

Her heart ached at the realization that she and Sousuke hadn't been talking and properly communicating a lot in two months now. He was busy with car racing and she was dealing with her own set of work, as well.

It didn't come to her soon that she, too, had been — in a way — neglecting him and their relationship for that long.

Saki wanted to cry on the spot when she realized that. But she didn't want their friends to see her like that. She still wanted to stay strong and smile for their sake. Then again, those guys — especially Ren and Gunpei — couldn't be easily fooled.

That was why she decided to leave them in the meantime.

"When was the last time I went here?" she asked in a whisper when she finally saw where she ended up heading.

It was the large tree near the park where she and Sousuke became a couple. She couldn't help smiling at the memory. To be honest, she didn't expect that confession from Sousuke at all.

But despite his easy-going nature, his confession that day didn't show any hint of that. Their time together as Go-ongers had allowed her to prove and easily see that. And that was why it was easy for her to see that he was serious about his confession to her.

"Weird... Why would recalling that still make me feel calm like this?"

It was strange, but it wasn't that bad at the same time.

Their relationship might be — even just slightly — in the rocks at the moment. But it doesn't mean that she would let it all go. She and Sousuke just needed to talk properly.

That is... if time would finally allow them.

"Saki... You're here, too?"

Her eyes widened as that familiar voice rang out. To be honest, she didn't dare turn around for the fear that her mind was playing with her and letting her see hallucinations or something similar.

"I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me right now. That's why you don't want to look at me. Is that it?"

Saki wanted to shout that it was just that. But for some reason, she couldn't say those words to Sousuke at all. She took a deep breath after a few moments. Then she turned to the source of that voice, finally allowing her to see the face of the man that she missed seeing these past days.

"I didn't think you'd be here," she said, her tone reflecting the sadness and yearning for him.

"I missed coming here, you know. But... things wouldn't even let me come to you when you need it to."

For Saki to say that she was surprised to hear those words from him was an understatement. But even in her shocked state, she could tell that Sousuke wasn't saying that just to appease her or anything. In fact, she could tell from the way he said those words that... he missed her.

"They're really making it hard for us, huh?" she said after a few moments of silence between them.

To her surprise, it was a calming kind of silence. She was actually expecting a strained one, if she was going to be honest. But maybe it was just that.

They just missed each other, and so there was nothing else there but yearning and more care for each other that they couldn't give these past days that they didn't get to meet. At the moment, she would accept that explanation rather than be angry at the man who only made his way to see and talk to her again.

Saki smiled after a while of silence between them as they stared at each other. But for someone as talkative as Sousuke, it seemed that he didn't mind the silence — so long as the one in front of him would be the woman he cared about more than anything else.

"Should we stay here for now? I do miss coming here, as well," she said after a while of silence.

From the looks of it, Sousuke didn't mind that. As long as it would be Saki beside him.


When was the last time I wrote a Sousuke/Saki one-shot, huh? Like, for real? Anyway, here we are. It's for the best that I got to write a new one-shot. I'm actually still trying to figure out what to write about, though. But even if it's this short, I'm glad I got to write this one.

Thank you for reading up to this point. I appreciate even the simple action of reading and — when you have time — leave a comment. See you on the next one-shot. Bye!

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