Nagi/Fuuka (Ninninger): The Brightest Star


Counting the days had never been so fun, especially when one was waiting for something important or possibly life-changing, at some point. But for Nagi, he was finding it to be hard to do. At least, he knew he had to count in order for him to realize how many days he had to endure waiting before that certain day would finally arrive.

It was a crazy thing to endure, if he was going to be honest. Then again, he just had to do that, no matter how hard.

One more week…

He still had to wait for one more week before ‘she’ arrived. At first, he would say that it was no big deal. That he could do it.

But now, he wanted to take it back. He couldn't help it. He just missed her so much.

Did he really have to endure waiting for one more week?

"Don't you dare sneak out and break your promise, okay? You stay here and just wait, okay? I'll come back soon. I promise…"

That was the last conversation he had with 'her' before she left a month ago. Now he had to wait for one more week before that girl would finally fulfill her promise of coming back to him.

If he was going to be honest, it was excruciating. But he couldn't do anything. It was either he would wait patiently or the waiting itself would cost him his sanity.

Then again, that would have been an exaggeration.

'That's still possible, though. I do miss her so much, after all.'

The sad thing about that statement — she had no idea. At all. It was his fault, anyway. He never mentioned anything to her whenever they would talk or chat online. He would only say it to himself. And now he had to endure the long wait.

With a sigh, Nagi stood up from his seat in front of the computer and proceeded with his activities for the day. He had to keep himself busy so that he wouldn’t notice those several more days of waiting for Fuuka to come back.

Maybe that way, it would be easier for him to endure the long wait.


One more week had passed. Nagi was already at the airport so early. Then again, he actually didn’t get to sleep that much because of too much excitement. He couldn’t blame himself for feeling that way, though.

He just missed Fuuka.

Even when he never mentioned it to her and he would only voice out his support on her chosen endeavor, it was the truth that remained in his heart as he waited. It wasn’t a strange feeling for him to deal with. Since the last time they saw each other, that feeling only grew stronger whenever they would be reunited for certain reasons.

“I wonder what time she’ll arrive… She only said that she’d be arriving early.” He couldn’t help cursing himself upon recalling that he didn’t ask her about the time of her arrival.

Why does his mind have to be this muddled whenever he would talk to Fuuka, anyway? This had never happened before. He was comfortable speaking to her even before their grandfather appeared before them and trained them to fight.

So what has changed at the moment?


His heart stopped beating for a few moments, his eyes widened before turning to the source of that voice. Before he could stop himself, he smiled brightly as he finally saw the young woman he had been waiting for, approaching him as she waved her hand.

He wanted to walk — or rather, run — towards her. But he just stood there. For some reason, he couldn’t move because of the nerves. Of all times he would feel nervous, why did it have to be at that moment when Fuuka finally arrived, anyway?

“Fuuka…” he managed to say the moment she stopped in front of him, along with her luggage.

“Thanks for waiting!” Fuuka said with a smile. “Did you wait long?”

Nagi shook his head and smiled, as well. He just didn’t want to mention that he did wait for her arrival for about an hour and a half. She would probably throw a fit if she found out about that.

“How’s your trip? Did you have fun?” he asked as he took her luggage and decided to carry it, even when Fuuka decided against it.

In the end, Fuuka accepted and both of them walked side by side. For some reason, she didn’t want to ride a taxi to head home already. Instead, she decided to take a walk for a while.

It was strange, but Nagi didn’t mind. At least, they got to do this together.

“You look like you had fun on that trip,” he commented, initiating a conversation between them since they remained silent after leaving the airport.

Fuuka nodded with a smile and faced him. “I did have fun. But I kept on thinking about what it was like if you were with me during those times.”

Of course, what she said surprised him. But he didn’t retain it on his face for long. “Why would you think that?”

“It’s always fun whenever we do things together and explore places with just the two of us. At least, I always felt that way since the final battle.”

Nagi couldn’t stop his smile from getting wider upon hearing that. Of course, he felt the same way. But how come he was having a hard time saying it? This was only Fuuka. He shouldn’t be feeling that way.

Or could it be that it was for that reason that he couldn’t say anything to her? Even with that, he smiled. He, too, felt the same way as Fuuka.

“Well, next time, I’ll make sure I’ll be with you. I have to make sure you’re doing okay whenever you would do this trip, after all. It would assure me, as well, that I know you’re doing okay while having fun,” he promised soon after.

Fuuka smiled brighter than it was a while back after he said that. She nodded and soon held his free hand. Of course, that action surprised Nagi at first. He didn’t expect that. Moments later, he smiled and held her hand tight.

Before he’d be able to fulfill his promise to this amazing young woman, he would have to make sure that she was okay while she was with him. As long as he could see that bright smile from Fuuka that would give him hope as each day passed by, he would do everything he could never to falter in protecting her and being there for her every time.


One more one-shot, done! Hurray! I haven’t written so many one-shots consistently like that. Then again, I have a goal to write every day, whether it is a one-shot fanfic or my other writing projects. I decided to establish a consistent writing routine for myself. This is just a simple one-shot with not much fluff or drama. And honestly, I like it that way more. Not to mention, I couldn’t think of a scene for this pair. I still can't believe that this is the second time I've written something about this pair. I thought this was the first. Then again, I guess I forgot since it's been a long while since I've written Sentai fanfictions.

Thank you for reading up to this point. I appreciate your support for my writings. See you on the next one-shot! :)

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