Our Memory Of The Dawn 8 - Make It Work Out

Despite not knowing how far we'll go with regards to the battle we're fighting, I'll make sure we'll make it work out in the end for the both of us... ~ Florence Joyce


It has been a while since the rest of the Narnians saw what Amy and Edmund had seen while they were at the top of the How. Edmund even had to go back inside to call on his brother and inform him of the Telmarines' arrival near the How. Numbers alone, they were clearly outnumbered. Not to mention, the weapons they brought to the site that would surely put the rest of them to a disadvantage.

But this was clearly not the time for them to falter. They've made it this far. This was a war that they clearly had to win to finally free the Narnians once and for all.

After watching that display of arrival, the Narnians -- with Peter's permission -- decided to send out an envoy to deliver a message to King Miraz with regards to a proposed duel with the High King Peter himself. The whole time, Amy had only listened to the discussion and didn't voice out any of her thoughts about the proposal. But she knew that this was the only way they could acquire what they wanted personally. If worse comes to worst, of course, they had to prepare themselves for an all-out war.

And now, Amy could only watch with a sigh from the top of the How as Edmund, a dwarf, and a giant were chosen to deliver the message that Peter had declared. She didn't want to show it to anyone her worried for Edmund heading out on enemy's camp. But even with that, she tried to be positive about it.

Though she wasn't really sure how it would help her, she did her best to stay calm.

"I don't think they'd be foolish enough to attack Edmund without any reason, though. You don't have to look so worried for him."

That made her turn around, only to see both Susan and Lucy approaching her. She couldn't help showing a wry smile and turned back to watch over the field where Edmund was.

"Am I that obvious?" Amy asked instead.

"You are. I've seen your disposition changed since Edmund himself said that he'd be the one to deliver Peter's message to the Telmarines," Susan said as an answer before facing Lucy.

"It's not that I'm worried that they're going to hurt him," Amy admitted. "But we all know that the enemies had truly prepared to wipe the Narnians once and for all upon declaring this war. I'm worried about... something else, but still related to what we're facing right now."

"I don't understand," Lucy said.

"It's a discussion that Edmund and I had talked about before. About my way of helping out the Narnians with regards to the war. I... just want to make sure he's the first to know it."

To her confusion, she saw Susan and Lucy smile at each other before looking at her. But as much as she wanted to ask the sisters about her observation, her mind would still go back to the one person she'd been thinking all the while she was there.

"He'll come back soon. And when it happens, I know we have to be prepared. We'll head out on our respective tasks after the king agrees to Peter's proposal."

Amy nodded to Susan's words and once again, looked over the field. She knew she needed to stay strong and positive if she wanted her plan to work in their favor. If she believed in Lucy that the young Valiant Queen would be able to find Aslan, then Peter and the rest would be able to end the war for Caspian's sake, as well.

As for her, she could only think of one way to help the Narnians. And that is for her to retrieve her trump card and use it once again. This time, without the grief and hatred that once conquered her heart.

She could only hope that Edmund would be successful in making King Miraz accept the proposal.


Once the proposal was made and accepted, the rest of the Narnians were in a frenzy to prepare for the duel. Of course, behind the scenes, Susan and Lucy were also doing their own preparations for their departure. But it wasn't that Edmund had wanted to pay attention to.

At the moment, he was starting to become a little frantic looking for one particular person. It took him a while before he finally found her in the stables. She was setting up the saddle on the black horse that he once picked when she asked what horse he would let her ride with one day.

Edmund didn't know why his heart skipped a beat at the sight of Amy doing that. Then again, this was the first time he had seen her do anything like this.

With a sigh, he finally took a step, then another, to approach the young Dawn Queen. It was then that he noticed that she was already wearing her signature leather bracer and chest guard. She was also wearing a belt which holstered her daggers. Which means she would only need to be hoisting her bow and the quiver of arrows and she'd be ready to go.

However, Edmund noticed one other thing about Amy, as well. She looked... uncertain. He frowned at the sight, though. Was she worried?

When the saddle was set, that was when Amy turned to his direction. The action almost made him halt to a stop, but he steeled himself to continue approaching the young woman. If there was something he was certain about Amy, he could bring out that smile from her.

A smile could be enough to ease both of their worries.

"Edmund," Amy called. "Have you finished preparing?"

He shook his head and stopped just a few feet in front of her. Despite the confusion that he could see in her face, it also looked like she was ready to listen. "I've been looking for you. You headed somewhere else right after I returned. And I didn't get to talk to you while we were having a meeting about the duel."

"I'm sorry. But it's not like I'm avoiding you."

Amy did look like she was sorry, and it made him smile, for some reason. It didn't last long, though. Before he could stop himself, he helped her prepare for her supposed journey.

"Are you about to head out?" he asked her as he checked her ration of food and water. Though it wasn't a long ride as she stated, he knew he had to prepare them for her, at least.

"Hmm. I have to do it early before the enemies could even have a heads up on the plan. Though I'm sure they had no idea about my flute and what it could do, it's better that I head there first and retrieve it. We will have a great advantage in our battle if I get to use it," Amy explained, only watching Edmund help her.

He didn't say anything after that, only because he couldn't voice out the words that he wanted to say to her. Damn it! He shouldn't be like this. And yet --

"Are you worried? About me?"

That question prompted Edmund to stop what he was doing and took a deep breath before facing Amy. He only looked at her for a short while before approaching her closer. "If I tell you I am, what will you do about it?"

Without a doubt, the way he asked another question -- in addition to the confession -- made Amy's eyes open wide. But if one would ask him, even he didn't expect himself to blurt it out like that. And yet, he still chose to hold his ground, wanting to know how Amy would answer that.

She was just looking at him, though. Her eyes were still opened wide. Not long after, she averted her gaze and took a deep breath before facing him once again. "Edmund... You know that... even if you're worried for my safety, I have to do this. I have to retrieve that flute that would help us win this war. But... maybe this would dissipate your worries a little."

Before Edmund could even ask Amy what she meant, he soon found himself being closer than ever to the Dawn Queen. Her arms circled his waist and her head on his chest. This time, it was his turn to have his eyes opened wide because of shock. And yet, it didn't last long.

The warmth that enveloped him because of her innocent embrace seemed to be doing its own magic to calm him down and reassure him. Before he knew it, he was smiling as his nose caught the sweet scent of Amy's hair. He soon found himself returning her embrace and he did so tightly.

None of them knew how long they held each other like that. But they both knew that the hug they shared did its magic for the two of them. When they released each other, they were smiling, and Amy soon held out her hand to touch his face. Obviously, the action startled Edmund a little but he just let her do what she wanted. That touch was meant to convey something to him. And her eyes as she looked at him had told him what it was.

Before he could hear anything from her, Amy smiled. "I'll be alright. Don't worry. Focus on making sure that Peter doesn't go overboard again. And I promise to you. I'll come back safe and sound."

Edmund could only look at her even after she said those words. But even from there, he knew she was telling the truth. That she'd be okay, she'd be safe.

Even when it was obvious that they didn't want to let each other go, Edmund released his hold on Amy's hands and assisted her in mounting the horse that he helped prepare. With understanding smiles on their faces, she soon urged the horse to move.

Of course, all the while, he could only look at her figure riding farther and farther away in such a short time before heaving a heavy sigh. He could only hope that Amy would be successful in her mission of retrieving the flute. This was for the war that they had to face, after all. A war that could help them achieve the peace for their beloved Narnia.

"Are you alright, Ed?"

That question coming from Peter appearing behind him only made him turn to look at his older brother. Then he turned his head back to look at the direction that Amy headed to.

"There's no reason I shouldn't be. I have to believe that Amy can do this to help us win the war." After that, he faced Peter, his eyes full of determination. "Let's go. You should prepare, as well."

"She really did a lot to change you, huh?"

Edmund turned to his brother as soon as he heard that comment. He looked at him with a frown. "Is it that obvious?"

Peter nodded and tapped Edmund's shoulder. "It looked like you noticed it, as well, huh?"

"I know myself, that's why. It was confusing, at first. But I could tell how much her presence had impacted me ever since I met her here." He soon faced Peter. "Right now, I'll just have to worry about you and your duel with King Miraz. And I know that's what Amy would want to happen, as well."

And so, the fated duel began, regardless of the worry that filled Edmund's heart for the young woman now out on a different mission for the sake of stopping the war.


It took me a while before I got to finish writing this chapter. That's why I only got to post this now. Real life took over that I could only write a few paragraphs in days that I know I should be writing. But here's a new update for you, guys. Enjoy reading!

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