Our Memory Of The Dawn 9 - Will Be Alright

Even if an endless darkness comes, after this night passes, everything will be alright... — It's Alright, Dvwn


Even when Amy knew she left the How earlier than planned, she still wasn't sure if she was safe and no one was following her. This could be a good thing, but it didn't mean that she should be complacent about the whole thing.

Because of that thought, she urged the horse to gallop faster for her to reach her destination. It would still be a challenge for her to look for the exact location since the land must have changed dramatically over the thousand years that the Kings and Queens had disappeared. Then again, she had to trust her instinct.

The very same instinct that Grandfire had seen in her when she became the Dawn Queen.

"I just have to reach the Western Woods safely. Then maybe I'll be alright," she said to herself as her horse continued to gallop faster than how it was a while back.

Several minutes later, she finally reached the part of the Western Woods that she had intended to go to. Upon looking around, perhaps the major change that she saw around her was the density of the area. It had gotten thicker, and probably even more dangerous for those wandering alone out there.

But if Amy was going to base it on her intuition, then she was sure that no one other than her was there. With a heavy sigh, she looked around once more to make sure no one had followed her. She dismounted her horse after a while of scanning her surroundings. She then found a tree in which she could place her horse and tie the rope.

"I guess this is the place..." she concluded after analyzing the area even with all the thick bushes and boulders that she considered to be out of place from the one she could remember.

"That's strange... Has something happened that made this boulder appear here or fallen here?"

Of course, it was just a speculation. But a lot of time had passed in this world already since the last time she appeared here. If a lot of things could happen in one year, what more could have happened in the past thousand years or more? An entire civilization has changed dramatically in this world.

Now she must do what she could to make sure that the Narnians won't truly fall in the depths of extinction forever.

One look at a strangely shaped boulder soon caught the young queen's attention. With a frown, she approached the boulder while carefully traversing the ragged path. Tall grasses and thick bushes did hinder her from approaching the boulder faster than intended. But it didn't deter here as she knew she had to look at it and investigate it — if she had to.

Not long after, with a careful look at the boulder enabled her to see something that made her eyes open wide and smile.

"This is it!" she exclaimed as soon as she saw a hole behind the mysterious boulder that had a familiar etchings on the edge of the entrance.

She knew what it was. The dwarves that accompanied her when she placed the flute in a secure and secluded place that day were the ones who placed the etchings there. It would be the sign that told her story as the queen that once ruled Narnia, they said. And they also said that it would be the sign that one could look into if they were determined to find her flute.

In this case, those words had helped her.

"Those guys... really did it..." she couldn't help commenting with a smile as tears fell from her eyes.

But she could do the reminiscing again later, once she managed to do the task that she set to herself.

Amy then took a deep breath and managed to find herself entering the small cave even with the mysterious boulder blocking it originally. The place was dark, no doubt about that. But she wasn't worried.

She recalled the duct created around the same time where she could use the stock of gas in that small area to activate a simple mechanism that would provide the light she needed for that cave. But in this case, she had to rely on her sense of touch to locate where it was. Memories at this point could also help her, as long as it won't fail her.

She had no other choice but to do it or else, she would be stuck in the dark cave if she didn't do anything to locate what she came to find there. It didn't take long for her to activate the mechanism as soon as she found a box of matches in her bag and also the duct where the gas was.

Amy lit it up and the small cave was filled with light in front of her eyes. It was then that she finally found the spot where she knew she had placed the mystic flute a long time ago before she left Narnia. With careful steps, she managed to reach it and pull out a small rectangular box a little longer than the flute that she remembered.

"I can't believe I'd be seeing this again after such a long time..." she couldn't help commenting when she opened the wooden box where her flute was.

It didn't change at all. It looked exactly the same as the time she received it from Grandfire a long time ago. Now she had it again on her hand.

"This should do it."

With that, she stood up from her crouching position and prepared herself to get out of the small cave. But as soon as she stepped out of it, she saw a sword pointed to her face around the same time the horse roared as she could hear it stomped.

When she raised her head, she soon knew who it was.

"You sure know how to hide well, little lady."


Things hadn't been going well like they all intended to. At least, it was what Edmund was thinking when Peter soon gave the order to fight when King Miraz got murdered in front of them. Now the Telmarines were ordered to attack the Narnians after the crime.

Edmund could only shake his head, though it wasn't that obvious as he was more worried about the battle that they were all about to face. Of course, they still prepared for this since they figured that something might happen that would force them to fight to death.

Before any of the Narnians were given the order to charge and fight, he decided to look around inconspicuously as he could. To his disappointment, there was still no sign of Amy around the How at all.

'What's taking her so long?' he couldn't help asking as he continued looking around.

It didn't take long for him to decide to focus on the battle in front of him that was about to ensue in the meantime. He couldn't afford to fail, especially if it meant regaining the freedom that the Narnians had wanted for so long. It also meant that he was doing this for Amy, as well.

Then again, it was a strange thought running in his mind. Why was he including Amy in every decision that he could think of with regards to this battle?

"Are you alright, Ed?"

Edmund slightly looked up beside him to where Peter was standing. The older Pevensie wasn't looking at him, but to the charging Telmarines towards them. But he knew that his older brother was the one who asked that question.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But I don't think I even have the time to worry about anything else at the moment now that it came to this."

It was the right answer, but his heart couldn't help twisting with worry for the young Dawn Queen out there somewhere. At the moment, he had a battle to deal with using everything they've got at the moment.

This was going to be massive and they knew it. But the siblings could only have faith in Lucy trying to find Aslan and also in Amy (at least, in Edmund's case) in finding the flute that would help them in a way to win the war.

To be honest, it felt like the battle lasted for such a long time and each of them could tell that casualties would pile up if this would keep up. But they had to hold out and continued to fight.

The battle soon turned to the Narnians' favor when they all heard the roar resonating around them, giving them the indication that Lucy had succeeded in her task. The next thing they knew, there were trees from the forest that started moving towards the battle and attacking any Telmarines trying to have their way in defeating the Narnians while the others were distracted.

Edmund couldn't help smiling in relief at the sight as he looked around. But that relief was short-lived upon noticing something. Once again, worry crept up to him.

"She's still not here. I wonder what happened..." the young Just King could only wonder.

Not long after, they all saw the Telmarines retreating and were all heading to the river banks. The Narnians, including Prince Caspian and the three Pevensie siblings, followed the escaping soldiers to deal with them and whatever plans they had that might destroy everything about the battle.

They soon reached the river where a bridge was placed. They then saw Lord Sopespian — the one who killed King Miraz — gave the order to the remaining Telmarines to retreat and started traversing the large wooden bridge connecting the two sides.

"Wait... is that...?" Edmund murmured as soon as he noticed something approaching on the other end of the bridge.

They saw both Lucy and Aslan on that part of the bridge, making them feel anxious in anticipation and relief that something could still be done. But that wasn't the case for Edmund.

If Aslan and Lucy had already arrived here, then it must mean that Amy should be here, as well. But... there was no sign of Amy around there at all.

'What happened to her?'


I know I haven't updated here in a long while and I'm sorry. But I'm still determined to finish this thing because I already have an outline for this story. I just need to write it.

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