Souji (Kyoryuger)/Fuuka (Ninninger): I Have You


It has been a long walk, but it seemed that Fuuka wasn’t minding that at all. In her mind, she needed that walk to clear her mind. It might not be enough. But at least she had something she could do just to make sure she wouldn’t give in to her overthinking mind.

She wasn’t in her right mindframe to train, anyway. So doing walks like this did provide her with a little bit of clarity. She would’ve opted to talk to someone, just so she could release whatever worries she had at the moment. But she couldn’t find it in her to disturb her cousins.

If she was going to be honest, all those but’s and what if’s that has been plaguing her mind were surely enough to drive her crazy. But she had to do her best not to give in to that. She knew she would only worry a lot of people around her.

So what was she supposed to do in order for her to deal with this?

As she raised her head, Fuuka was surprised to see herself standing in front of a bamboo forest that looked slightly different to that of her family dojo’s bamboo forest. But it was still a familiar sight for her. She couldn’t help smiling at the sight, to be honest.


This was the same bamboo forest where she met ‘that guy’. And it only made her wonder about the progress that had transpired since that one ordinary day.

“I didn’t think you’d be coming here early.”

Though she was surprised to hear that voice all of a sudden, it didn’t take long.

Fuuka smiled as she turned to the source of that voice. “I ended up heading here when I had my walk.”

Before she could even stop herself, her feet started taking steps towards the young man who was also doing the same thing towards her. Of course, naturally, they ended up meeting halfway.

“You look well, Souji-san. Have you been training more lately?”

Souji nodded before giving Fuuka a short head pat — a habit that he had been doing to her whenever they’d meet after the attack. For the young ninja, she didn’t mind him doing that, to be honest.

“It seems you’ve fully healed,” he commented before walking again. This time, towards the bamboo forest.

Fuuka followed suit after letting out an agreeing sound. “Thanks to you and Amy-san that day.”

“I didn’t even do much.”

Here goes this guy again. “Says who? Even Kasumi-chan would say the same thing, you know. If it wasn’t for you saving me that day, I don’t think I would be here today.”

It was then that Souji halted to a stop, startling Fuuka. Of course, his action only made her frown and face him. She then noticed his grip on his bakuto tighten, for some reason.

‘Yikes! I must have said something I shouldn’t.’ She couldn’t help wincing at the thought.

“Souji-san, are you okay?” she ventured, trying to dissipate the tensed atmosphere that was starting to build. She couldn’t help thinking that perhaps she had said something that had upset her companion.

Souji gripped his bakuto once again before heaving a heavy sigh and faced her. That sudden action had startled her once again. Thankfully, she was able to brace herself faster this time.

“You’re not feeling any after-effects of that attack on you, are you?” he asked instead.

Once again, her eyes widened at that, before frowning. Why was he asking that all of a sudden? It didn’t take long before the realization hit her. She only smiled before shaking her head. “No. At least I can tell that much.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. This time, she reached out to his hand and held it tight. Without a doubt, what she did had startled him. But she had to convey it with more than just words. She had to do her best to assure him that she was okay.

It was only then that Souji released the tense feeling he had and smiled at Fuuka.

“Alright. I believe you.”

Once again, they walked together and had finally entered the bamboo forest. At that moment, she smiled widely as the familiar forest was in front of her in full sight. But… does this guy even remember that?

“Looks like there hasn’t been any changes around here, huh?” she heard Souji say that only made her look at him. “It doesn’t even look as if four years have passed since we first met here.”

“I thought you wouldn’t remember,” Fuuka couldn’t help commenting as she looked around.

He was right, though. There weren't even any distinct changes that she could see around. It felt like she just went back to that time she and Souji first met. Even if it felt like it was merely an ordinary day to some, it never felt that way for her.

That was why meeting him again — even though it happened while dealing with a new enemy — made her think as if the heavens had just answered her prayers.

“Does it feel like we’ve changed since that day?”

Fuuka faced Souji as soon as he asked that question, though. She was confused upon hearing that from him. But it didn’t take long. She stopped walking, which soon caught his attention and turned to face her, in return.

“I couldn’t help asking that same question, you know. But… would it be a bad thing if we did change since then?”

Yes, they were only throwing questions after questions to each other. But it didn’t seem like they were demanding a concrete answer to those questions. Both of them knew that the answers could only be seen in time. As long as they still decide to be with each other over time in order to truly see the answer that they sought for.

At the moment, however, Souji didn’t know how to answer that. At least, that was how it looked like to her, if she were to base it on his expression.

“Sorry. I guess what I’m asking doesn’t make any sense,” she said, soon breaking the silence that hovered between them. “But I think we shouldn’t worry about any changes that have happened between us right now. Don’t you think so? We can think about them some other time.”

She didn’t know if Souji would actually choose to let go of the topic in the meantime. But she knew she didn’t want anything else to ruin this moment between her and Souji.

It didn’t take long before Souji smiled and nodded. Before Fuuka could even comprehend what was going on, her eyes widened as soon as he took her hand and started pulling her away from there. He was walking briskly, as if excited.

The realization only made her smile.

“So… where do you want us to go?” he asked before facing her, their walking pace remained.

The tight hold he had on her hand only suggested that this day was going to be a special one. And she wanted to do her best to cherish it while it was all happening.


This is supposed to be the 4th Souji/Fuuka one-shot that I’ve written. But since Wattpad deleted the “Super Sentai Crossover One-shot/Short Stories Collection Volume 1”, the other 2 one-shots about this crossover disappeared along with it. And unfortunately, yes, I don’t have a copy of it. That’s sad. But hey, I can start all over again. And I’d do my best to recall those stories to be able to write them again. Or if not, I can just write a new one, right? For now, I’ll do it slowly. Enjoy reading!

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