The Only One Who Remembers (Kishi Yosuke/Okubo Sakurako Fanfiction)

Walking by the lake that she knew was somehow familiar to her, Sakurako was still trying to rack her mind for reasons why she went there in the first place. The location looked really creepy, not to mention dangerous, especially at night.

And yet, here she was...

Why did you lead me here?

It was the only question that constantly lingered in her head as she continued to look around the area.

"Seriously... Who would even want to build a house near here?"

But even so, it wasn't only the house that fascinated her despite the scary feeling that the place would give off. The lake itself was something fascinating, as well. Without a doubt, it was murky. And yet, there was something about this lake that made her feel as if... she was bound to it.

But that would be strange, right?

Once more, she sighed and looked at the lake. This very lake that would constantly appear in her dreams ever since waking up from a five year coma. Yes, she had been asleep for that long.

She could only consider herself lucky that she was finally awake after all that. But even so, something still felt off. Her mind was seeking for something she wasn't even sure what.

Something strong. Something... that she was quite aware was the only thing enough to complete her.

Your words lead me here... But what am I suppose to do here? What's with this place that made me think I was a part of this?

Comletely lacking any means to find the answers she was looking for, she could only shut her eyes tight. Soon after, she remembered the reason why she decided to go there.

It was his private message to her Facebook account. Yosuke's private message to her.

And that private message was a letter of love... and goodbye.

Yosuke was leaving...

...leaving her for good.

With that thought, the tears that Sakurako wasn't aware she was holding back now started to fall simultaneously. Her heart felt as if something was gripping it tight. It was hard for her to breathe.

"Am I annoying you again? I'm sorry. But this is my only way now of talking to you. I know that you still don't believe me, in everything I told you about our past together by the lake. I shouldn't force you with that, I know. Right now, I'm completely aware of it.

"And because of that, I've come to decide something. I better stop now. It's not going anywhere no matter how hard I try. So you can finally expect the next coming days without me disturbing you and amnoying the hell out of you. Even though it will surely hurt, the time has come for me to truly stop this foolishness, as you call it once.

"Goodbye. I have to finally let you go now. I should've done that when you decided to cut everything between us. I still love you, in case you want to know even though it will annoy you. But I could never force something you don't want to accept any longer. I should accept the fact that between the two of us, it's for the best if I will be the only one who will remember those memories we have together before you returned to the real world.

"Be happy... and I know you will be. Even without me watching over you in spite of it all."

That was Yosuke's message to her, sent two days ago while she was still busy with the seminar she attended.

And indeed, he was true go his words. He hadn't appeared to her since then. Not even a shadow.

Sakurako should've been happy... right? So how come... she was feeling nothing but pain and emptiness?

Unable to contain that much pain in her heart, she began sobbing hard as she tried to release everything that she kept bottled up in her since she woke up. It was too much already for me to let it remain in her.

Why did it have to come to this? How come Yosuke's goodbye to her was all that it took for her to let it all out, at last?

Only he would remember those memories he claimed they had together even while she was still in coma. But what about her, then?

What would become of her now that it came to this?

Don't forget me... You promised, right? Even if you will be the only one who will remember them, it's okay.

"Just don't let me disappear in your heart... if you truly love me like what you've been saying all this time..."

Sakurako was crying, and yet her mind seemed to have come up with a determined thought soon after. A thought that, in time, perhaps fate would allow her to let it come true.

Whatever it takes... Whatever happens...

= = = = = =

Sorry for that sad one-shot. I actually had a different ending for this one but I decided not to put it here--at least on this part. If they would be reunited in some ways or not, we'll see.

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