For Bringing Us Together (Alden Richards/Maine Mendoza One-shot Fanfiction)

Once again.

Maine could only say those words to herself as she looked at the sunset that would, hopefully, end her day right. And yet, it didn't look like that to her at all.

What was worst, she only felt even more melancholic than she ever was in her entire life. Exaggeration as it seemed, but it appeared like that to her. Damn it! Why was that?

Surely, this felt weird.

Should she blame that vision again?

For a week now, Maine kept seeing a vision of a boy... No, it was a young man--bleeding. Pleading as he reached out to her for help. She tried stretching a hand to him so she could grab hold to him. But in each attempt she did, for some reason, some unknown force was pulling her away from him. Far from her reach.

She tried to scream out his name as he still tried to reach out to her. And yet, no voice would come out as she did so.

Why? What was he trying to say to her at the time? Was that even real? Did it even happen? Or was that just a product of her long inactive imagination that decided to burst out now? She wasn't sure anymore.

The dream didn't end with just the young man screaming out as he tried to reach out to Maine. There was more to that. The other scenes were a little blurry to her. But one thing was clear.

The letter on the study table.

It was unfinished. And even though the name used was different, the feeling it gave off was something that made her realize something.

It was adressed to her, as a person. It was meant for her and no one else.

"You're here again."

The voice startled Maine from her musings before turning around to see who it was. A sad smile crossed her face upon seeing Alden.

"Is it really bad that you see me here again?"

It seemed that her words threw Alden off somehow. But it was just for a while. He shook his head soon after.

"I didn't mean it that way. What's wrong? You're staying here longer than usual."

Was she supposed to confide to him? Great. Even if it was Alden, Maine was still hesitating. He had been good to her. So there was no reason for her to feel that way, right?


It was Alden--that was the true reason why she was hesitating.

As the silence between them continued to linger, she let her mind travel once again. Back to that letter in her vision.

But in the end, all Maine did was to scratch her head quite rashly.

"This is going nowhere..." she muttered followed by an exasperated groan.

"Woah! What's going on with you?"

Maine chose not to answer that for now. Instead, she looked at the sunset and forced her mind to recall that vision. The sunset would always do this to her mind. At the moment, she wanted to take advantage of it.

We'll let fate have its way for now. But one day, no matter where or when... I'll come find you. Whatever it takes...

Okay... Right at the moment, Maine noticed two things that the letter from her vision showed.

One was the fact that the name was blurry but for some weird reason, she knew it was meant for her.

The second thing was... Maine was holding it tight as she read it in her vision. She was crying as she did so, along with feeling my heart as if it was about to break to pieces and no one could put it back together anymore.

Not even the young man who was reaching out to me from her vision.

But was that supposed to be just some weird thinking on her part?

"I don't know what's going on with you right now. But maybe it's for the best if you go home already."

His voice brought Maine out of my frustrating reverie that made her face Alden rashly.

"Are you throwing me out again?" she couldn't help asking.

He chuckled and shook his head. Weird enough, hearing that calmed her. "No. Why would I do that? Besides, I don't have the right to do that since I don't even own the place."

"Well, you've been acting like one for quite a while now."

"That's only because you're acting weird whenever you're here and that worries me, okay?"

Okay... That made her blink for a few moments. He didn't just say that, right? "You're... worried about me?"

He looked away before clearing his throat. "Why? Was it wrong for me to worry about you?"

Oh, no! Why was he saying things like this at the moment? Does he have any idea what those words were doing to her heart right now? Soon after, she found myself lifting her hand towards her chest.

And there it was. There goes the beat of her surprised heart.

"Come on. I'll walk you home."

And with that, Alden went ahead of Maine while she remained standing there as she watched him walked away. Moments later, she looked down sadly before taking a deep breath and started leaving the area, following him.

You really did leave everything to fate at the time, huh? You died knowing that you can never compete with it...

Maine was thinking of that as she looked at Alden walking ahead of her. So meeting him again like this... In this world... In this lifetime...

Had they truly defied the cards dealt to them at the time? Maine couldn't tell.

But if meeting him again here like this was part of fate's plan, then perhaps... She had no reason to hate what fate has stored for them at the moment. She couldn't help smiling at the thought.

Now I'm confusing myself.

But even so, she ran to catch up with Alden. Before she could stop herself, she latched on his right arm that stiffened him for a moment and soon faced her, wide eyes. She couldn't help laughing at the sight.

"What are you doing?"

She held on tight to his arm as she looked at him. "Holding you... so that even fate won't ever take you away from me again..."

"You're being weird again."

"But you'll still be with me knowing that, right?"

This time, Alden was able to face Maine with a confident smile on his face.


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