Kairi/Umika (Lupinrager VS Patranger): Since We Met

If our star was flat, the two of us wouldn't have met... -- Loop, Sakamoto Maaya


Umika doesn't know if this day could get any worse or what. Then again, what else was new? This was Kairi she was talking about. Of course, that guy would still be wondering around and not do his grocery duties for the Bistrot Jurer. She could only sigh exasperatingly at the thought.

Seriously, when would she see that guy change a little bit?

"Don't expect that he'll ever change. You might end up looking for the old him one day if he did decide to change his ways of doing things."

Those words from Noel at one point did make her think things through with regards to Kairi. But every time Kairi would do things that irritated her or frustrated her, even, she just couldn't see the logic of her friend's words. How would she even look forward to his actions that agitated her most of the day?

"Yo, Umika! You're waiting for me?"

She just glared at the newly arrived Kairi, leisurely walking towards Bistrot Jurer while carrying two paper bags possibly worth of the groceries that she and Tooma had asked him to buy. Seriously, could this guy be any worse than this?

"You're late. You'd hit on some girls again, hadn't you?"

"And now you're accusing me of something I'm incapable of doing." Kairi entered the restaurant, passing by a glaring Umika.

With a heavy sigh, she put down her hands that she didn't realized were placed on her waist and also entered the restaurant soon after. She just saw Tooma scolding Kairi in his ever placid manner in which the latter was brushing off with some comments. But she could see that at the very least, he did his job for the restaurant -- even though he was a little late.

As she was taking the items out of the bag, something soon caught her eye. A light yellow knitted shawl that she was sure she or Tooma didn't ask him to buy. When she took it out of the bag, both Kairi and Tooma stopped talking and looked at her.

"So you finally bought it? Is that the reason why you took so long to head back here?"

Kairi nodded with a grin at Tooma's knowing question. But it only made Umika frown and looked at the two guys.

"What is this?"

"That's for you," was Kairi's rather casual response.

But it was enough to send her heart reeling and beating fast. She didn't expect that at all. "Why are you giving me this?"

Kairi just smiled and stood up from his seat. Next thing she knew, he placed his hand on the side of her head. "Just because." Then he left and proceeded to the kitchen.

All Umika could do was to look at him as he walked away. Yes, he could be annoying and frustrating. But then she recalled that this was one of the times that she would say to herself how glad she was to have met Kairi. The circumstances might not have been normal. Even so, she knew she wouldn't trade these moments for anything else.

Moments that Kairi would make her feel special. Wherever their lives would head out from here, she was sure that she'd decide to stay beside this annoying guy and protect him.


My first one-shot for LuPat. Can't believe it took me this long to write something for that series. Another short entry as a compensation.

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