Our Memory Of The Dawn 3 - Able To Meet You

On a world that's far too vast, it's nearly too exhausting to bear. But I was able to meet someone like you... ~Saen Lahn Nae Tee (One Hundred Billion Minutes), Bell Supool


It was dawn once again. Amy lost count ー for now ー as to how many days she'd been here in Narnia. But she wasn't exactly counting as her days had always been busy with helping the Narnians with all that was needed for the battle against the Telmarines.

A battle that she had a feeling would be something hard for Prince Caspian. But this was a battle that was needed to happen. It had been so long since Narnia was living peacefully. Pulling out the source of the chaos ー at least the biggest part of it ー was something that was needed to be done.

Like what she had done for many days now, she woke up early despite sleeping late due to getting busy with other things. Or should she say, worrying about other things? Yes, getting worried had always been a part of her, she guessed. It wasn't something that she could easily remove from her system.

But then again, who was she fooling?

Taking her daggers, her long bow & the quiver of arrows and hoisting them all up to her body, Amy headed to the place she went to yesterday ー near the top of Aslan's How. She had to go there and keep watch for any intruders, just like what she did yesterday. Switching places with one of the soldiers that stood guard there the whole night, she soon sat on the only boulder there and became alert almost at once.

She had to be alert, since she had a feeling that the Telmarines could become more aggressive in spying and dealing with the Narnians after what she did to shoot down one of their spies. A sigh escaped her lips at the thought of the inevitable war that she had to deal with, together with the Narnians. But perhaps she should think about that later. As of this moment, defending this place should be her top priority.

"You're up quite early, Your Majesty."

Amy immediately turned to the source of that voice. It didn't take her long to notice Reepicheep approaching ever lightly. She smiled and sat on the boulder once again.

"It has been a habit, I guess. Until I make sure that the Narnians would be protected and would live safe once again, I don't think I'd be able to sleep longer than this."

"But it is a must that you prioritize your health, as well. We are about to embark on an uncertain war, after all."

"I know that." She sighed not long after and looked at the horizon in which the sun was starting to rise. "It's the start of a new day once again. I hope today, we'd find a way to finish this chaos in this world."

"And we'll be able to do that, Your Majesty. It will happen with your help and that of the other Kings and Queens. We have always believed that we can."

She couldn't help smiling at those words. This little mouse's faith sure was unwavering and incredible in this situation. How she wished she was like that, too.

"But you went here without having eaten anything. Should I ask someone to bring you something to eat while you're here?" Reepicheep inquired that broke the silence.

Amy only nodded when she recalled that she did go here without eating anything just to start the day right. With that, the warrior mouse strode (or crawled) towards the How. As for her, she watched the rising of the sun while remaining alert for any possible intruder.

But then she frowned as she heard a shout coming a little far behind me. Before she knew it, a sword came flying about and was about to fall to where she was standing. It didn't take her long to take a few and fast steps back in order to avoid it. She didn't have any plans of getting stabbed this early, you know?

And yet Amy never thought that doing so would be a mistake as she stepped further, only to end up stumbling on a loose rock and land on her back to the ground. She didn't notice the pain. Or rather, she chose to ignore it. But what happened next had soon shocked her.


Edmund didn't exactly picture this kind of humiliation to happen to him on the day he decided to finally meet and approach the elusive Dawn Queen, as she was called during Narnia's Aurora Aeon. But he didn't know what came to him to run just to reach his destination and make sure that Queen Amaya wouldn't try to hide from him again.

If Reepicheep hadn't crawled on his feet as the mouse passed by him like that, he wouldn't get startled and mindlessly threw the other sword he was holding. As soon as he realized that, he let out a surprised shout and ran towards the place where he threw the sword. But he stumbled on a rock poking out from the ground as soon as he saw a young woman armed with her bow and arrows placed on her back and was about to fall on the ground just like him.

He saw the sword just beside Queen Amaya with its blade plunged to the ground. But he saw that before falling completely, she was able to avoid getting impaled by the blade by rolling over and away from the spot where the sword could possibly fall.

"Ow!" A female voice almost immediately snapped Edmund out of his reverie that happened for a few moments or so. But then again, he lost count of the length of time.

A compromising position was what soon registered in his mind as soon as he calmed himself down and made sure that things were clear.

"If it's not too much to ask, would you mind getting off of me, Your Majesty?" she soon said that made him look at her.

It was then that he just realized how close he was to her. And he would be willing to admit ー at least to himself ー that this young lady was indeed beautiful. She was just how the written chronicles had described her. Her expression and even her complexion was just like the dawn ー gentle and at the same time, bright enough to bring about a new hope for what was about to come. It was right there and then that her words had finally registered in his mind.

He lifted himself off of her, as if scalded, and avoided gazing at her, knowing that he truly humiliated himself with what had happened.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop on you. That sword I was holding nearly impaled you, as well," Edmund said as soon as he calmed himself down ー at least quite successfully.

He wanted to do so while looking at her because he was aware that uttering an apology without looking at the person he was apologizing to was something considered insincere.

Edmund helped the young queen stand up again as he laid a hand to her. For some reason, his heart was beating fast as he waited for her to reach it. That is, if she would truly take his hand and accept his help. Though he was aware that only short moments had passed as he waited, it felt like hours to him. And he couldn't help considering that to be weird.

With a sigh, Queen Amaya finally took his hand and helped her stand up once more.

"Thank you," she said, almost politely that Edmund couldn't help frowning at that. "I hope you're not hurt anywhere, Your Majesty."

There she was, being formal and all once again. But he shook his head as an answer. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm used to this."

"What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "Never mind that. I'm more worried about you since it seems that you fell on your back with the arrows behind you. I'm sorry."

"I'm used to this, as well, Your Majesty. I've always been someone who couldn't keep my balance, after all." Amy chuckled after that.

It only made his heart flutter that confused him once more. What was going on with him? "It's Edmund," he blurted out before he could even stop himself.


Upon realizing what he did, he just sighed as he scolded himself and took a deep breath not long after. "I mean... you don't have to be so far in addressing me. You can... just call me Edmund."

No words were spoken even after several moments had passed. Amaya was just looking at him ー intently, he might add. But he knew it wasn't the reason why his heart was beating fast at the moment. But he waited and tried to do it patiently, at that.

At least, he was trying his best to do so despite the confusion he felt for actually doing so.

He saw her sigh and faced him not long after.

"Are you sure you won't mind me calling you like that?" she asked, almost careful for some reason.

"We're both aiming to achieve the same thing for Prince Caspian, right? Not just for him, but also for Narnia. For the country that we ruled before even though we did so at completely different timelines. It would be a bit uncomfortable for me if you continue addressing me formally," Edmund ended up explaining which surprised him, to be honest.

But he shrugged it off in the end since he realized that he just did the right thing.

His explanation was met with a smile from Amy followed by a nod.

"You're right. I also don't like being addressed formally. But considering the position I acquired when I first went here, I knew I couldn't help it. Then you can do the same to me. You can call me by my name. Or I should say, my nickname. Amy."

"You won't mind?"

"The same way you wouldn't mind me calling you Edmund, right?"

"So your nickname is Amy, huh?" Edmund nodded. "But I still like your name."

The Just King and the Dawn Queen both smiled at that and chuckled soon after. Of course, one thing that wasn't noticeable was the blush on their faces as they tried their best facing each other.

It was that particular moment in which both Susan and Lucy had caught that made the two young queens smile. They were the ones who brought the food meant for Amy when they heard from Reepicheep that she headed to her usual post without eating anything for breakfast. They volunteered to do so since Lucy was also keen in meeting the Dawn Queen just like Edmund.

"He finally met her..." Lucy commented with a smile.

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