Our Memory Of The Dawn 2 - With Just The Same Feeling

Even by your scent that passes with the wind, I don't have to look around just for me to be sure. With just the same feeling that the wind delivers, I know it's you...


Amy could only let out a heavy sigh after a Narnian soldier confirmed to her that a Telmarine soldier she shot with one of her arrows was dead. It was something she'd do most of the time, even during the time she reigned here in Narnia. But she knew she had to do something, especially when she could feel that something or someone would threaten to destroy what was left of her second home.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?"

That question coming from a faun standing beside her was enough to snap Amy out of her reverie.

She only nodded since, for some reason, she couldn't find her voice to even utter a proper response. To be honest, the current situation was something she still couldn't fully accept.

Then again, the reality struck her quite hard the moment she was sure she returned to Narnia. Until that moment, she still couldn't believe that this place was the same world she saved and ruled before. A lot had changed, and everything about it just broke her heart.

It was Reepicheep and his other mouse companions who brought Amy to Aslan's How as soon as she introduced herself to them. And that was right after taking down some of the Telmarine soldiers who were supposed to attack her. Her body reacted almost in an instant when she sensed the danger about to happen. Though before they headed to the How, she was surprised that Trufflehunter brought her a light blue dress to wear that was appropriate for that world.

She couldn't help feeling nostalgic about everything as she looked at it. Another thing that surprised her was when one of the fauns brought Amy her weapons — the longbow, a quiver of arrows, and her twin daggers — that the dwarves forged for her before she started her reign as a queen. They took care of it even when she suddenly disappeared and went back to her world.

"Try to search the area and make sure no other intruders had come here. I'll stay here for now and do the same from my position," Amy ordered in an authorative voice, with her hold on her longbow starting to tighten as an inexplainable rage started to bubble up within me.

Though for now, she could try containing it even if she knew it would be hard.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." With that, the soldier left and she stood there watching over the area that her vision could still reach.

If more Telmarines suddenly decide to attack everyone here, she wasn't sure if she could still keep her cool, to be honest. Prince Caspian and Doctor Cornelius might be different from the other Telmarines, that was why she offered her help as soon as she heard the situation. But she wasn't quite sure about the rest.

When Amy made sure that no other intruders had entered the area, it was only then that she sighed in relief. Even though it was only for that moment, she could tell that the Narnians would be safe. It shouldn't go on like this. She couldn't allow them to live in fear like this.

It had been a long while since she used her arrows, let alone killing someone using this. But the Narnia she'd been walking in and standing at for how many days already was a war-torn world. Even more depressing than the first time she got to this place.

With the arrival of the Kings and Queens before her, perhaps things around here would change.

Before she left her post somewhere near the top of the How, she looked down in order to see what could possibly be going on for her to hear voices from there. To her surprise, even though they looked small from her position, she saw them.

The Kings and Queens of Old, as Narnians would refer to the siblings who saved this world from its hundred-year winter and the White Witch's tyranny. They really looked young, even from where she stood.

Amy already met Queen Susan a while ago before heading out here. Though at first, she was unaware that the young woman was Queen Susan the Gentle that she had heard and read about before. Susan came by while Amy was sorting the herbs that could be used for the injured Narnians later on. Susan was the first person she spotted among the group of people near the entrance of the How where the commotion was happening.

It didn't take her long to spot Susan's sister Queen Lucy. But the older boy — whom she immediately recognized as High King Peter, thanks to his sword and Reepicheep mentioning it to her before, upon seeing him from afar for the first time — pulled Lucy away from there and probably asked her to stay back. The youngest queen did before the two boys and some other Narnians approached the dead Telmarine soldier. One of the boys pulled her arrow that struck the soldier. But it wasn't Peter.

That young man... was perhaps King Edmund the Just.

Though before she could think of anything else, she saw him looked up to the How — to where she was standing at. She knew her body moved on its own when she took a few steps back as soon as it happened. Her action made her frown soon after.

Why am I hiding from him?


"Everything's alright, Ed?"

That question snapped Edmund from his thoughts which made him remove his gaze on the top of Aslan's How and faced Peter. His brother eyed him confusingly. He nodded and looked at the arrow he pulled from the dead soldier once again.

"This surely isn't Susan's arrow," he commented after carefully examining it. The arrow was lighter than he expected.

Once again, he looked up to where he felt that someone was watching them. He was able to make out the silhouette of a young woman before it disappeared almost immediately. She obviously took some steps back as soon as he looked up there.

Is that her? The Dawn Queen?

"She's sure is a deadly archer for someone around your age, Ed."

His older sister's comment snapped him out again before turning around to face her. "So is you."

"You could be right. But unlike her, I couldn't shoot someone from where she was standing and when the target was about to ride a horse in order to get away."

"What do you mean?" This time, it was Peter who asked that.

"She was right up there —" Susan pointed to a place near the top of the How. "— when she shot that arrow and it was nearly dark for any of us to see something moving around here. And yet, she only used that one arrow to take this soldier down."

"That's amazing," Lucy commented this time.

But Edmund was thinking of something else while the discussion was ongoing. The young woman she saw standing near the top of the How... It must be the young queen that ruled in Narnia during the Aurora Aeon. He would never doubt that now, for some reason.

Then again, if that was the case, then why was she hiding? Did she not want to meet any of them?

"Are you truly that eager to meet Amy, Edmund?" Once again, Susan snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Who wouldn't be? I mean, she changed Narnia the same way we did, but she did so after we disappeared. The only difference was that she did it alone." At that point, something struck his mind and faced Susan. "You're referring to her by her nickname, as if you two knew each other. Did you happen to meet her already?"

Susan nodded. "I met her by chance while she was sorting the medicinal herbs a few hours back. And I was with her before she noticed the intruder and shot that arrow."

Then Susan was lucky. Would Edmund have that kind of luck, as well? He won't deny that he was that eager to meet Amy. But for some reason, he had a thought that... she wanted to avoid meeting them...

Meeting him...

But why would she do that?

"She'll stay there again to keep watch at around dawn. Maybe you should take that chance to finally meet her, if you're truly curious about her."

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