Marvelous/Ahim (Gokaiger): Choosing To Be With You

I'm choosing to be with you no matter what people say and not even heaven and hell can stop me about it... ~ Florence Joyce


When Ahim chose to be a space pirate, she was well aware of the dangerous risks that goes with it. Especially since they were fighting the Zangyack who were the universe's greatest enemy at the time. Those people took a lot from her and not even the enemy's death could dissipate the pain she felt from losing them.

Over time, she was able to finally avenge her parents' deaths and the destruction of her home planet from the one who destroyed them. Thanks to her friends' helpマand most of all, Marvelous. At the time, she was determined to take on Zatsurigu all alone. But Marvelous convinced her otherwise. He reminded her of the reason why she joined the space pirates in the first place.

But that was a long time ago.

It was a regular day for them space pirates as they continued venturing the universe using the Galleon. But for some reason, Ahim couldn't sleep and she couldn't force herself anymore to do so. A lot of things had been bothering her lately and one of them was the memory of the time Marvelous saved her, only for him to end up getting severely injured.

The others kept on saying that it wasn't her fault, especially Luka. And yet, she couldn't find herself to use that as an assurance to dissipate the guilt that still lingered on even though that particular event had happened months ago on one of the planets they visited.

And because she couldn't sleep, she decided to wander around for a bit and calm herself somehow. As she continued to do so, she soon found herself going inside the Galleon's cockpit. But to her surprise, she found out that it wasn't just her who ended up wandering there.

"Ahim? You're still awake?"

"Marvelous-san!" She nearly exclaimed upon immediately recognizing the voice that called out to her. "I couldn't sleep for some reason."

Well, it was the truth. But she'd rather keep the reason to herself, though. "What are you doing here this late at night, by the way?"

"No reason."

Ahim chose not to believe that. But she didn't say anything about it because she knew fully well that Marvelous would rather keep things to himself instead of blurting it out to them.

For a while, they just kept silent as they both watched the cosmic view from the ship's cockpit. It did help her calm down somehow and made her forget that ill feeling she had upon waking up from her nightmare.

With that thought, Ahim soon decided to look at the man standing beside her. It was him who surely made that happen. She knew that now. And she realized that over time since she became a space pirate, her heart slowly changed when it comes to this man.

"Is there something wrong?" Marvelous suddenly asked with a frown that soon snapped her out of her musings.

Trying hard to fight down the heat slowly crawling up to her cheeks, Ahim shook her head and smiled. "It's nothing."

"You should go to sleep. We still have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Though the captain said those words placidly, it still had a warming effect on Ahim's heart. It was weird, if one would ask her. But she chose not to dwell on that detail later. She'd rather choose to appreciate the warm feeling it was giving her at the moment.

"I will go back now. Goodnight, Marvelous-san." She gave one last look to the space pirate captain before finally leaving the cockpit.

Yes. Ahim couldn't be more glad that she chose to be a space pirate after all that had happened to her. And she was grateful that she chose to remain as such, together with Marvelous.

She wouldn't have it any other way, even if she would be given a chance to change her life again.


In this story is my very first Gokaiger fanfic that is not a crossover with another Sentai series. To be honest, I don't have a particular pair to ship in Gokaiger. But of course, I came to love Marvelous and Ahim's interactions in the show. Especially when Marvelous cares for the princess.

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