Lucky (Kyuranger)/Fuuka (Ninninger): No Matter What


No matter what happens to us now, I'll never turn my back on you or to the memories we made together... ~ Florence Joyce


Returning to the alternate Earth was arguably an ardurous journey for Lucky. Wormholes don't usually work the way people -- humans and non-humans alike -- would have wanted to. There were slim chances of ever going or even arriving to the intended location.

But as he had always done, he took on those chances. No matter how small, he knew he had to take it. He had to go bck there. He made a promise to someone important, after all. All this time since he and the others returned to their home universe, he had never forgotten that promise.

Three months had passed since they last saw each other. And for him, it was an incredibly long three months to endure and wait. He wouldn't deny that he had considered going back again as soon as he exited the wormhole safely.

Fuuka's condition at the time he left was partially the reason why he wanted to do just that. The other reason that made him act this way was the passage of time in that other universe. He didn't know if it would be similar to the one he knew in his home universe or it would be entirely different.

It was safe to say that there wouldn't be much of a difference, as his luck would have it. That was one thing he wanted to rely on in this situation, after all. His luck... and tenacity. It also included his unwavering faith that his luck would have it their way.

Then again, he could only hope that his luck did hold out for as long as he could return to the alternate Earth. When that chance finally came, he knew that his luck fulfilled its duty for his ultimate goal.

And now... Lucky was in the alternate Earth once again.

He had no idea about the changes that had occured over the time that he disappeared from this world. But he was able to determine one thing.

A year had passed in this world since he left. Not three months, as he was expecting (and hoping, as well).

At the moment, he had no idea what else to do or where to find Fuuka again. Should he go to the Igasaki dojo? Or to her college? But what would he say to her or her family once he decide to go to the dojo? Not to mention, he didn't even know where her college was. Or if she was still going there after possibly recovering from that nearly life-threatening condition.

"Why didn't I prepare for this?" Lucky scolded himself rather gently as he was still smiling and shook his head right after.

It was a good thing that there were people who helped him hide his Shishi Voyager and accomodate him until he finally did his task in that world. Then again, as he had said to himself, he didn't really prepare. He just wanted to see her again, and soon.

He sighed heavily once again and looked up to the sky. The sky he once saw as gloomy when he left this world. But at the moment, he couldn't help smiling at the sight of it being clear and blue. Not to mention, cloudless. Could this be a premonition? A good omen for him and his task to find that one woman that he'd been wanting to see again?


It might be an exaggeration, but he felt his heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard someone called his name.

Then again, his heart wouldn't react that way if it weren't for the fact that the voice weren't familliar. Three months in his home universe might have passed. But his heart hadn't forgotten a single thing about the owner of that voice.

"Is that really you?"

Okay, he couldn't take the anticipation anymore. After taking a deep breath, he willed himself to turn around to finally see the face of the one who said that.

He should've anticipated it, but his heart wouldn't stop pounding as soon as he turned around and saw the face of the young woman he'd been longing to see once again. He couldn't help smiling at the sight of Fuuka's relieved expression the moment he faced her.

"I'm back... Fuuka," he said, almost in a whisper.

Despite the sight of her tears that were about to fall, Fuuka managed to let out a rather strangled laugh before smiling. No words came out. But Fuuka dashed towards Lucky and jumped in his arms, hugging him tight like she was afraid to let him go.

"You're really here..." she whispered, her embrace getting tighter. But he didn't mind. "Seriously, what took you so long?"

"Sorry..." Lucky could only say that word before hugging her tighter. "I didn't realize that I'd be gone for this long."

Fuuka didn't say anything as a response. But he didn't mind. At the moment, what was important for the two of them was each other's warmth that they were feeling at they continued hugging. It was obvious that they've missed each other, considering that the last time they saw each other was a rather painful one. They just wanted that long hug to fade the pain they've felt that day.

"You look better now," Lucky started, breaking the silence between them.

Fuuka soon distanced herself a little, but still didn't let him go. "I had to, because I know you'd feel bad if I stayed sick because of what happened. I had to do my best to get better as I kept on wishing that you'd return here one day."

He couldn't help smiling at the sight of her determination that he could see in her eyes at the moment. Right there and then, he knew she was telling the truth.

Once again, he hugged her tight and Fuuka returned it in the same degree. For both of them, the warmth they felt from that embrace was surely a good feeling to receive from one another. At the moment, it was all that mattered.

"How long... are you going to stay here?" Fuuka ventured, still embracing Lucky so she couldn't see his expression.

But he stiffened at the question. Surely, Fuuka must have felt that. Moments later, he smiled and distanced himself from her a little. His smile must have confused her as he saw her frown.

"How long do you intend me to stay?" he asked back, his tone rather challenging.

None of them spoke a word after that. But he waited for her answer and also her reaction. Her hold on him tightened and she avoided his gaze. It was only for a short while. Moments later, she looked up and faced him.

"How about... a very long time? Like... the rest of our lives?" she asked, her tone unsure and hopeful.

His smile widened at the sight. Before he could even stop himself, he kissed Fuuka's forehead that made her gasp as her eyes opened wide. She raised her head after and faced him.


"I think we can work on that," he said, becoming an answer to her question.

It was a vague answer in so many ways, but it appeared that it was enough for Fuuka. Once again, she embraced him tight. It only made both of them laugh.

They would think about other things later. At the moment, all that mattered to them was that they were together again.


…and I’m back! After a long while of not writing one-shots like this. I hope you enjoyed reading this. By the way, this is the continuation of the first Lucky/Fuuka one-shot I wrote that was placed on the first volume.

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