Towa (Ryusoulger)/Hammie (Kyuranger): Back To That Day


I really want to go back to that day. I really want to meet you once again... ~ From the Japanese song "Yozora (Night Sky)" by miwa ft. Hazzie


When one would look up to the sky, a lot of things would often run in their minds. They could be good things, happy things, sometimes bad things, sad things... Not many people would easily put a stop to those thoughts, especially if they lingered in their minds long enough that it carved itself a place there to live into.

But for Towa, the sky held the memories of the girl he didn't even expect to meet in one of his travels. Then again, it was unlike him to meet a lot of them anywhere as he was dedicated to his duties as a Ryusoulger. As a Knight.

But the world sure held a lot of surprises that even he couldn't fathom despite living so long. A lot of them had given him happy memories to remember, even with that girl was nowhere to be seen now.

The vast universe had already separated them. As much as he enjoyed her company, as much as he felt happy meeting her, it felt like it wasn't meant to last. He was aware of that from the start. And yet...

"Why do I still want to meet you again?"

Was it a weird thing for him to ask that to himself? But that would be crazy.

"Why do you look so down right now?"

He shook his head slightly, feeling a bit silly at how he had been standing underneath a large tree looking at nothing when he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

A person who had a very special place in his life.

"No reason..." He turned around and found a smiling figure of Hammie now waving at him.

He wanted to feel surprise to find her there, looking at him as if they hadn't been separated for three years now. He wanted to think that this was just a dream or a figment of his imagination. It had been hard, trying to accept that he'd never see her again after she left to go back to her homeworld.

But she was here now, alive and well. She looked at him with a smile he could recognize. He knew what it meant to feel happy at finding someone else alive and well. Even though she didn't know that.

She came closer and soon stopped in front of Towa, her smile never left her beautiful face.

"I'm real, in case you're still wondering," Hammie started jokingly. Before he could comprehend what was going on, she grabbed his hand.

That action had finally snapped him out and made her know that the Hammie in front of him was indeed real. But how come she was here? Wasn't she supposed to be in her home universe?

"What happened? How come you're here?" Towa couldn't help asking as he remained holding Hammie's hands. For some reason, he didn't want to let her go.

She smiled and scratched the back of her neck. "We ended up here chasing another Jark Matter member who seemed to have escape here. There was another wormhole that led us here and so I took it as an opportunity as well to visit you after we were done defeating the enemy."

He could only look at her as she explained her side. However, he wasn't fully listening. His eyes were wide open in shock, not being able to process any sort of information about that story at that moment.

Then suddenly it hit him. He hadn't seen her in a year since they parted ways at the last battle, yet the two of them reunited now. What did that mean for the future of their friendship?

"Hey... are you even listening to me?" Hammie complained, complete with a pout as she flicked his forehead.

Of course, it was enough to snap him out once again and made him smile at her.

"I was listening. But not paying attention. I still can't believe you're here again." And it was the truth.

Towa and Hammie were literally universe apart. No one would ever thought that their bond that formed that day would survive like this. To know that they both met each other again after so long. The fact that she returned after having been sent to her own home universe to protect them all from whatever danger it had presented. That she even went as far as taking on such risks...

It was hard not to think of their relationship as destiny. Okay, maybe he was overthinking on that part, though.

Hammie smiled and held Towa's hands tighter. "Me, too. I never thought I'd ever have the chance to see you again. And yet here we are..."

"Yeah." He looked at her, seeing something that he recognized in her eyes.
Something that was different than before. Something deeper and more profound.

They stared at each other for awhile, neither one of them wanting to break the moment. And then the silence was broken when Hammie took one more step closer and embraced Towa tight. At first, of course, he flinched at the sudden gesture. But not for long.

After being hugged by his best friend for the longest time and finally being able to hold her like he was supposed to hold her, it actually wasn't that bad.

Towa returned the hug. He tried not to show any emotions, but he couldn't help the tears that began to form in his eyes. Whether he would admit it or not, he missed her so much.

When they parted again, Hammie looked at him. Towa expected her smile to be replaced by a playful grin, but instead there was a soft expression in her eyes that almost looked sincere.

"You know we might not get a chance like this to meet again. As much as we hated it... I don't want to lose you, Towa. You're really important to me that I don't want to let go. My everything."

"Me too. And I... don't know what I'll do without you." This was a lie. He knew exactly what would happen without her, but that wasn't the point now. "So let's stay together for now." Towa replied firmly.

None of them said anything after that. It seemed that any word they would choose to utter would only break their hearts further, even without them fully realizing the reason for them to feel that. After all, they weren't even dating yet. And they both knew what that word implied.

Even though he knew what would happen eventually, and even though they could always find a way back... He was willing to take the risk and keep his promise to himself and make the most of what had been granted to them.


I finally got to post something here. It's not much, I know. But at least I got to start something. Let's see what pair would be written next.

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