Ryuunosuke/Mako (Shinkenger): The Heaven We Decided

Don't search anymore for the heaven that we had decided upon... ― Three Inches Of Heaven, Yan Yi Dan


A sigh escaped Mako's lips as she looked at the gloomy sky ― telling her of the impending heavy rainfall. But it wasn't because she was frustrated or anything about the weather. This sight only allowed some memories to resurface in her mind ― something that she had been avoiding to happen for a few years already.

She should have moved on already. Or at least, she felt that she did. But each time it would rain or her friends would drag her to the sea or even to the river, those memories would show no signs of stopping as they would surge in her mind.

"So this is it? Nothing would ever make you stop. Is that what you're telling me right now?"

Mako wanted to cry at the moment. Or maybe she was already doing just that. But the falling rain did a good job in hiding it.

Ryuunosuke shut his eyes tight. A few moments later, he nodded. "I'm sorry, Mako."

And then she let it go. Those tears, without a doubt, had fallen free that she couldn't stop it anymore. "How did we even let this happen between us? Why does it have to come to this point?"

Even with the hurt in his eyes, Ryuunosuke still chose to look at Mako. The sight of that had only broken her heart further to shreds. And it just provided the cruel answer to her.

Both of them were left with no choice. This was something that fate had laid out for them to face starting at that moment...

A crazy thought, if one would ask Mako. But it was a thought that she and Ryuunosuke was forced to accept at the time. And for her, it was that rainy moment in which she felt that everything between them fell apart.

"Maybe I should just wait for this rain to stop..." she mumbled and found herself a spot in which she could do just that.

She'd rather not brave through the rain at the moment. It would stop, and she knew that.

If only she could say the same thing to her still hurting heart...


"Are you just going to stay here?"

Ryuunosuke sighed, but didn't bother to turn to see who it was that said those words.

"You know, you can just approach her and apologize to her. It won't do you any good if you keep on doing this when it's so obvious that you actually miss her."

Once again, he just eyed Mako with that sad look on his face ― one that had never faded for three years since he left her.

"I don't think I still deserve such a heaven in my life. I already left, and the gates had closed for me since that moment. There's no more hope left for me to even appear in front of her after all this time."

And for Ryuunosuke, that truth would remain to be something in which would stab his heart a thousand times over.


So this is actually my first time writing something about this pair. I'm sorry if it's a little short, but maybe I'll do justice on the length of a story for them next time. And believe it or not, I only got to finish writing this in one night right after posting my update for TLSOTE. Hehe! In any case, thank you for reading!

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