The Wind That Passes By (Ryusoulger: Bamba/KR Zero One: Yua)

Like the scent of the wind that passes by, my frozen heart remembers you... ― Scent, Sojung (Ladies' Code)


It was a rather tough night once again for Yua. But that is only because Isamu was becoming more annoying and getting on her nerves when things were starting to lie low a bit. Even though he was already acting independently, he still had the capability to do that to her. She could really need some rest from all this.

And yet, it appeared that it would be denied from her, as well. She sighed and went to her room. It was the only place where she could think in peace ― without anything or anyone to distract her with. But her moment while being alone in that room would let her mind travel somewhere else again.

Though work would usually keep her distracted and busy, it was night time in which, at some point, she dreaded the most to come. It doesn't usually happen. But perhaps she only dreaded the night time because she knew she won't be able to stop what was about to come.

Or do I really want to stop it?

A sigh escaped Yua's lips as she took the Progrise Key she kept in her pocket. As uncharacteristic as it might appear, a memory that she recalled while looking at it as the night wind started blowing from her open window had only made her smile. It was just a short encounter. But for some reason, every bit of it had only brought out something warm from within herself.

And it doesn't happen all the time.

"I wonder how he is right now..." Yua couldn't help uttering as she looked up to the night sky again.

Of course, she couldn't help wondering about that. She was well aware of his status as a warrior ― a long-lived one, at that ― that protects the world. At first, she didn't believe him. Not until one of the monsters he was fighting against called Minosaur appeared in front of her and her comrades.

But Bamba finished it off easily...

"You're a warrior?" Yua couldn't help asking Bamba as he disabled his transformation.

"A knight, to be exact. A Ryusoul Tribe knight."

Though she was unable to say anything more because of surprise, she still smiled, indicating her amazement over the scene.

"Don't look at me like that. You're a great fighter yourself."

"Well, I try. I have to protect these people suffering because of a possible Magias attack. We've dealt with that previously. And even though there hasn't been any Magias-related attack recently, it doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who would let that last . They could still do something to break that peace."

Bamba remained silent for a few moments before he spoke. "It only proves that we have to do our best to make sure this peace isn't going to be disturbed at all. And each of us has our own ways of doing just that." He took a deep breath and started walking away from there.

"Are you heading off somewhere?"

He nodded. "Maybe I'll see you around some time."

It might have been a weird conversation between them. But that event happened. That particular event existed. And her mind recalled it over and over. Yua wasn't aware at first as to why she loved recalling that memory. But even so, it only brought out a lot of emotions that she never thought she'd feel with just one meeting.

"What's going on with me?"

Then again, perhaps it was a question that she won't be able to find an answer soon. At least, not yet.

What she wasn't aware of, however, was the fact that someone was watching the silhouette of a woman moved around the room from the outside. Bamba coukd only show a small smile as he continued doing so, despite the fact that it might brand him as a stalker. But he recalled making a promise to the woman named Yaiba Yua that he met one time to see her around some time.

Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly a promise but an assumption. But even so, he wanted to fulfill that in some ways. Both of them had their own duties to fulfill ― all were connected to protecting the world from threats that could wipe out humanity.

At the moment, though, he could only do so by watching over her from afar.

"Good night, Yua."

Maybe one day, he could say those words to her face to face. For now, doing it from afar was enough for him.


Honestly, I've been a little unsure on starting a one-shot featuring this pair since the only show I'm familiar with is Ryusoulger. Though I've seen clips of Zero-One before, I guess it wasn't enough. So forgive me if this was a little short. But thank goodness that I got to post something here again after a long while. Thank you for reading!

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