Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger 4 - A Dangerous Race

Eichirou was still yawning when he went down to the living room, still in his pajamas. It would appear that the preparation for the photo exhibit that he was planning was a really taxing one. Erika soon handed him a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Eichirou-san," Erika greeted as soon as Eichirou took the cup from her hand.

"Good morning..." the photographer replied quite lazily.

Erika could only shake her head and proceeded once again to the kitchen where she saw Shuichi talking to Hideoki. At that, she couldn't help frowning. What could they possibly be discussing? But even from her position, she could tell that it wasn't anything grave or something.

"You woke up early, Erika."

The pianist turned around to the direction of that voice, only to see his brother reading the music sheets that was on his hand.

"I couldn't sleep," she said nonchalantly. But it was more than enough to catch her brother's attention.

Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger 3 - The Traveling Novelist

Somewhere in Yokohama...

It was night time. A teenage girl was standing in the middle of a small library of that mansion. She was looking at the book shelves with a melancholic look on her face. The same melancholic feeling that the full moon was giving off on that particular night.

"Professor, I'll be leaving tomorrow. I guess it's about time, huh? I'll put my travels on hold for now. Just until I finally finish my mission," the girl said to no one in particular. But she made it seem as if the old man she was referring to was just in front of her.

A heavy sigh came out of her mouth soon after, as she looked at the cylindrical item on her hand. That item looked similar to the Seitengers' Hyakureider, only smaller and with only two slots and three buttons. One more feature unique to this cylinder was the figure of six wings near one end of it, three wings placed on each side. The girl gripped the cylinder hard as she began thinking of things that she knew were about to come now that she decided to do this.

She had to leave the mansion she could ever call home for a long time.

Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger 2 - Courage Within The Fear

Mizuhashi Mansion...

Being heroes of the world was, of course, not something one would consider as a walk in the park. Especially if you were truly a novice in the field. So that's where trainers come forth. And in the Vessels' case, their trainers were the people close to them.

Their training began two days after their first encounter and battle with the Tareans. Hideoki and Nanami left their jobs at the pastry job and at the bookstore respectively to their trusted assistants for a while in order for them to personally oversee the Vessels' training.

First up: Hasureiki invocation.

Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger 1 - Awakening Of The New Vessels

For the past 5,000 years since the last great battle, there was a force that traveled through space and time to ensure the world's safety from an inevitable danger and destruction. The humans didn't know anything about it. Or at least, most of them didn't know.

Only a few selected individuals knew the truth about those chosen to defend the world. It was a hard task but in the end, those chosen people left the world with the knowledge that the world will continue their lives safe from harm.

But there is still the fear that a certain person's soul had carried in each of her reincarnations for the past 5,000 years. She knew right before her death that the battle will not be over with just sealing the dark force that once threatened to destroy the world. Their battle will only be over once the dark force had all been destroyed completely.

In the present times, her fear had begun to come to life.

= = = = = =

Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger - Background Story

Five thousand years ago, there was an organization called the Dark Shadow Defenders who gathered evil witches, alchemists, sorcerers, wizards, sword masters, and mages from all over the world in order to bring about the destruction of Earth and make it their own planet that ran according to their rules and codes of conduct. The most powerful guardians of the world residing in a magical realm called The Hundred Heavens, the Heavenly Spirit Guardians of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Light, had gathered together and summoned the chosen maiden born and blessed with the powers coming from the rare Celestial Five Lights Shower. This chosen maiden was to become the most powerful warrior of all by accepting to be a special vessel of all the five Heavenly Spirit Guardians' holy powers, combined with the Light of Hope exclusively existing in her heart, which allowed her to become what the ancients would call as the Priestess of Life.

With the help of the Heavenly Spirit Guardians, she defeated the forces of the Dark Shadow Defenders and sealed them in the darkest and deepest magical dimension of the Earth, only known as the Tareus Dimension. But upon doing so, the Heavenly Spirit Guardians didn't realize that sealing them and ensuring its security resulted to the death of the Priestess of Life. It appeared that she used the entirety of her life force to seal the enemies. Soon after, her soul, along with the remnants of her powers, traveled through space and time to make sure that the seal wasn't broken. The Heavenly Spirit Guardians concluded that their battle might not be really over as they hoped it would be. With that terrifying conclusion, they decided to send large parts of their powers to accompany the wandering soul of the Priestess of Life in completing the immense task, passing the soul and the Heavenly Spirit Guardians' powers on from one human incarnation to another.

In the present day, an innocent child's prank inevitably caused the one of the five Tarean seals to be broken. Now armed with an even more powerful evil force, the released Dark Shadow Defenders (collectively known as Tareans) decided to continue the halted plan of destroying Earth once again. But the Priestess of Life had already anticipated this moment long before her immediate death. Chosen by the soul of the Priestess of Life and bearing the mystical powers of the 5 Heavenly Spirit Guardians, chosen people must fulfill an ancient mission of obliterating the destructive forces of darkness once and for all before the feared ultimate annihilation of the world becomes a reality.

Joining forces to do the task of saving the world were biker Hiwara Shuichi, photographer Mizuhashi Eichirou, composer Hoshiyama Itsuki together with his pianist sister Erika, and archer Fuumiya Misae. It wasn't long before they accepted their duties as Seitengers. Later on, a travelling novelist named Tennouji Helen joins the team. Accompanying them in their journeys and mission are historian-cum-restaurant chef and owner Mizuhashi Hideoki (Eichirou's father), book store owner Kinmura Nanami and her son Akira (Eichirou's aunt and cousin in the second degree of consanguinity respectively), amateur photographer Tsukimori Kanako (Eichirou's childhood friend) along with her cousin Takeda Natsume and her father Tsukimori Genma, Shuichi's best friend Raisaki Amuro, Amuro's former politician father Raisaki Shotaro, Misae's senpai Furukawa Nika, Misae's childhood friend and butler-in-training Kanagi Haru, Helen's writing mentor/guardian Kuraki Makoto, and Helen's editor/older sister figure Asakura Minako.


I started writing this way back 2017-2018 (or to be more specific, around the last quarter of 2017 to the 1st quarter of 2018) and I remember that Kyuranger inspired me to actually start this, followed by Kyoryuger. Those two series made me decide to write something like this for the first time. At first, I was posting them here in their narrated versions. But then I thought that it's better if those narrations would come alive once  I put on actions and dialogues, and so it went longer than I thought it should be.

In any case, I would really appreciate it if you leave comments/reviews here as for me to know how I should approach writing this story.

Reiyouki Sentai Seitenger - Main Characters & Arsenals


This post will be updated as the story progresses.

Carefully chosen to wield the powers of the Heavenly Spirit Guardians, these talented youths combat the Tareans by manipulating their respective elemental powers together with the mystical energy known as Hasureiki ("Lotus Spirit Energy") using the secret arts called Reikarajutsu ("Spirit Power Technique").